Do you want to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode?

Do you want to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode?

Instead of displaying a broken website to visitors when your website is in maintenance mode, a helpful note will appear. As you work on your site, you can also choose who has access to it.

This post will demonstrate how simple it is to switch your WordPress site into maintenance mode.

Why and When You Need to Put WordPress in Maintenance Mode

You don't always need to put your WordPress website in maintenance mode to make changes to it. For instance, you can update WordPress, add new plugins, and publish new posts all without any downtime.

On occasion, though, you might have to spend more time working on your website. You might decide to entirely redesign your WordPress blog, for instance.

Adding a new plugin that alters the behavior of your website is one move that is riskier than others. Your website may appear broken to users while you are making the modification.

Even newly developed data could be lost during this time. For instance, you can lose any new orders that customers place if you make significant modifications to your online business.

You don't want your website's many visitors to view a broken website if it receives a lot of traffic.

Setting up a staging website allows you to work on your site in private, which is one solution.

Top WordPress hosting providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, and WP Engine all provide 1-click staging websites.

You must switch your website into maintenance mode if you don't use a staging site.

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