Do you want a new chapter of success?
Beniamin Martis
?QA Software Tester @CodeRevival ? Freelancer ? Contractor | I don’t care if it works on your machine! We are not shipping your machine!
Have you ever asked yourself what is the most attractive thing in the world? Did you know that the definition of who you are today, is compacted together by the history of who you ware yesterday? You are who you are today, because of what you've been through yesterday. History has a way of marking our lives, and most people waste time thinking is just another day. I want to make you think deeper than that. Because if we observe a successful gold Olympic medalist, we see one day of his life, but that one day speaks of endless hours of disciplined training.
Discipline is the key to growth and success. People that are disciplined and constant in their perseverance accomplish way more than others that work hard but not disciplined. Thats why someone that is disciplined to invest small amounts monthly will get more in long term than someone that just works hard but is not disciplined with his money. Discipline is the key to success! If you find someone that is disciplined in what they do, you will find a successful man. If you look at the circle of your surroundings you will see that people that stand out to you are those that are the most disciplined. When someone is disciplined in their speech controlling his tongue, not gossiping or talking about unnecessary things, but knows exactly how to manage his tongue in such a way that will construct friendships. It's the discipline in communication that makes that person stand out. It's the discipline in how you eat or workout every day that makes someone look attractive physically. It's the constant discipline that makes us grow and we grow not in comfort but in pain. Embrace that which is hard because that will make you strong. Life will take off for you when you chose for it to. Decide not to procrastinate the discipline in your life and grow will come inevitable.
In conclusion, what kind of dream or vision would you like to turn into reality? There's nothing you cannot be, do, or have if you have Lord Jesus on your side, to help you discipline your life like a father disciplines his child.