DO YOU WANT MORE? Not enough CUSTOMERS! - Want to change THAT!
How are you doing? My name is Peter and I'd like to kindly ask for YOUR help along with some important Friends.
Are you in the following business: Printers, Supply Promotional Products, Hotel Business, (3* above) Restaurants, Fast-food Takeaway, Solicitors, or do Commercial / Hr work contracts.
And OPERATE IN THE UK IN THE SOUTHEAST OF THE ENGLAND, WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR CURRANT Business revenue and increase profits, by JUST having a short chat with me, about how I can help you, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE.
I'm available immediately on a remote FT/PT basis to HELP YOU and point you where you need to go. Thank you for your time and help, I very much appreciate it! Have a lovely day.
IF once YOU see and hear what I have to say and you like and we work together and help you THEN after any Business contact you send the way I PAY YOU for that contact once they are also being serviced by me then I also can help them with my services which in turn will help you.
Best regards, cordially, and looking forward to
Speaking with you soon yours respectfully
Tel: 44 (0) 790 411 45 67
#Printers, #PromotionalGoods #Hotels #Resturants #Fastfood #Takeaway #Solicitors # #kent #London #Sussex #Surrey