Do you want a mind-blowing breakthrough this morning? Give me 3 minutes and you'll have it.
Last night, I had one of the most beautiful conversations of my adult life.
As I cooked Jo Mama's Famous Spaghetti for my amazing family, on the eve of my son's 8th birthday, I got to reconnect with a mentor on a phone call and let him know how much I appreciate his work, what a difference he has made in my life, and how much better off the world is that he's in it.
He told me in all the decades he's been in business, he's received a lot of great emails thanking him for this or that, but that by far mine was the best, that he was so moved by what I wrote that he sent it to his brothers and sisters, and that he was even going to have it framed in his home!
That's what led to our chat. We spoke for 43 minutes as I chopped, simmered and stirred, trading book recommendations, what we've been up to the last 15 years since I met him at a seminar, and even UFO stories!!
I'm still beaming.
That's real wealth. Getting to connect with each other and appreciating each other. Feeling the love and gratitude.
On that note, I'm feeling very generous and wanting to share said wealth, so today, I want to tell you about something that was a huge breakthrough for me in sales and copywriting, that actually didn't come from a sales book or training at all.
It came from my love art.
And I'd like to share it with you.
It will take only 3 minutes, but if you do the exercise shown in the video I'm about to share, I promise you will be amazed.
Not just that you can now draw a circle well (not bad, eh?) but because once you do, you will have undeniable proof staring up at you from the page that you now have a method to make something near perfect, that almost nobody can do without training.
You're one of the special few.
This is important, because a big part of what keeps us stuck at any given point in life is too close to see: our self-image.
Often times, we don't realize the ways we're thinking about ourselves and what we're capable of, especially compared to other people, that prevent us from doing what we actually are capable of, if we'd only believe it.
So today, I'm going to make a believer out of you.
In just 3 minutes time, you're going to be one of the very few people who can confidently draw a perfect circle.
Here's what it's all about:
It's called "the potato method". The idea is you start where you are and draw the best circle you can (often, this attempt resembles a potato). Then, instead of beating yourself up that you're not perfect from the get-go, you love yourself and allow this potato to be, and you methodically iterate some very clever improvements on your potato (the video will make this clear) and before your very eyes, a perfect circle will appear!
Well, sales and copywriting are the exact same way.
Especially for beginners.
Almost nobody makes something perfect on the first go.
But, if you start where you are, and then allow yourself to relax and feel good and trust that as you make the adjustments you need where you need them, that YOU TOO can do it right, perfect even, you will be amazed at how light and joyful you feel.
And how effective you become.
It takes the pressure off completely, and allows you to realize that you, as you are right now, have everything it takes to perform perfectly, if you would just allow yourself the time and mental grace with yourself to do so.
Take 3 minutes out of your day today to practice this potato method of drawing circles, and watch what happens in your mind, and how you feel.
If you do the exercise, there is a very good chance you will find yourself feeling that something just clicked, and you can't wait to get started using this "potato method" in your copywriting and sales. Or for anything, really.
Enjoy! And let me know in the comments what your experience was!
Here's the link (you only need the first 3 minutes to get the potato method, but if you'd like to practice the other methods too, who am I to stop you?): (20) How to Draw Circles | 3 Ways - YouTube
P.S. The most beautiful thing about this potato method is it frees you from the destructive habit of "shoulding" all over yourself. Who knows how much potential has been destroyed on this planet over the ages because of the feeling that you should be better, you should have done it differently, you shouldn't have been so... whatever, and all the self-flagellating that comes after.
Outside of the tyranny of the shoulds, there is an entire universe full of love, wonder, discovery and joy that is right here, right now. When you make the attempt, if you can allow yourself to discovery that even the potato you draw at first is mostly right, that you're almost there, and take that damn potato by its precious little hand like its your child and gently guide it to grow into the perfect circle you know it can be... I'm being ridiculous about this to make a point... if you love yourself and allow yourself that space without judgment, you'll see there's nothing wrong.
From that place, you can achieve amazing things.
Not beating yourself up.
Not a guilt-induced sense of duty.
Not self-torture or grit.
Love, dammit.
Love yourself.
And find yourself amazed with the results.
Obviously, this is about much more than just a circle.
We're using this circle drawing exercise to prove to ourselves we are enough and can get a perfect result, or close enough to perfect to be as effective as we need to be, right now.