Do you want to make a difference?
It is time to get in the game!!
Do you ever wonder: ‘Why do I exist? (Mission)’, ‘What should I do? (Vision)’,and ‘How can I do that ? (Strategy) Well, be encouraged, you are not alone. Many are seeking the answers to these questions. As you, they have been active at Church, being equipped, but for what end? Of course, we are to evangelize our communities. “2 Tim 4:2 tells us “…preach the word: be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” But there is more…
?Jesus also commanded us to “Go therefore and make DISCIPLES in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (MT.28:19-20) That is a call to action. A call to suit up and get into the game!
?Do you feel alone in your passion to honor God? Not sure of how or where to start? Sync with God is here to bring answers to your questions and so much more!??????????????????????
We share a vision with you…To see a growing movement of inspired, passionate, globally evangelistic, discipling communities worldwide! Sync with God has the tools and resources to Train, Equip, and Guide Small Group Leaders to disciple participants into Biblically mature believers that can ‘go and do likewise’.
That’s exactly what Jesus did, starting with only 12, He launched a movement that changed history! If it was good enough for HIM, it sure is good enough for us!
So, let’s do it again… Using the tools and training Sync can provide to you at no cost. Time to get in the game and make a difference in your world!???
So many are without HOPE…Let’s make some DISCIPLES!!
Click last newsletter: Newsletter October 2023.pdf
How you can help us help others…
?1.?? Fervent prayers for the Discipleship Project.
·?????? The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous can accomplish much. (James 5:16b)
?2.?? A generous gift of any amount to support our work.
·?????? Your gift will enable us to continue creating relevant Biblical content for use in small groups, changing lives one at a time.
?3.?? Sponsor a Small Group Leader for only $25 per month.
·?????? Your monthly sponsorship of a Small Group Leader will fund training, technology, and content for them to use in discipling their group of Cohorts.
?4.?? Sponsor a Small Group of 10 for $50 per month!
·?????? As a Small Group Sponsor, you will underwrite the expense for technology and content required to change 10 lives!
?5.?? Finally, prayerfully consider becoming a Small Group Leader recruiting and discipling a cohort of learners…
·?????? “behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest!” (Jn. 4:35b)
·?????? We would love to serve you as you respond to the Commandment of Mt. 28:19-20) “ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I have commanded you…
?How you can give..
?Give Online:
?Or send your check…
Make checks payable to:?“Sync with God”
Mail to: Sync with God, Attn: Mark Pomeroy, 4036 S. 17th St. Lincoln, NE 68502
?How to Contact us with your questions or to become a?Small Group Leader with Sync with God.
?e-mail?? Mark Pomeroy @ [email protected]