Do you want to learn how to build a resilient business mindset?
Leon Prescott, PCC MBA
As a Tech CEO & Professional Corporate and Life Coach, I help clients unlock innovation, empower success, transform teams, and ignite growth.
I have had the great pleasure to work with a number of entrepreneurs over the years. Here in Sri Lanka, there has been an exponential growth in men and women starting their own businesses. It is encouraging to see people as young as 20 years old to seasoned professionals over 40, take the step towards building a better future for themselves. It takes a very singular and optimistic mindset to make the choice to go your own way.
We very often see success stories of people overcoming ridiculous odds to reach high levels of success. We tend to see what happened at the end, not the long and hard journey most have gone through.
There is a tendency amongst those who stay in the safety net of a 9-5 to say, “well, you get what you asked for”. It may not be meant as an insult of course, simply a matter-of-fact statement. An entrepreneur must face incredible hardships, possibly throughout the life cycle of the company they build. It is very easy for those not in the same boat to be cavalier when dealing with someone they know, who has made the call to be their own person. Sadly, this is still a fact of life for budding business owners.
So, how do you keep up your momentum when faced with these hurdles? How do you stay positive, even when the going gets tough?
Having been an entrepreneur myself, let me share with you a few valuable lessons that I picked up along the way.
Remember to celebrate the challenges you face along the way.
This might sound counter-intuitive but think about it for a moment. When you run your own company, you must play many roles. You are a leader, a change catalyst, an accountant, a fundraiser, an HR manager. The list goes on. Yes, it is hard, but you do it anyway. Because you must. Isn’t that worth recognising and celebrating?
Here’s something you can do right now; write down just 5 challenges that you faced in the last week and what you have done to manage and overcome them. If you have beat them, then break out the Champagne! If they are still in play, and you are still working on then, realise it is because you have not given up.
Always believe in yourself.
It takes a strong will to continue to fight, despite adversity. There are countless amounts of people who have great ideas, however, having the ability to take those ideas and create something tangible is something simply amazing. Most give up on their dreams at the smallest obstacle. It takes a special kind of dedication to keep marching on.
Because they must remain focused on actually running their business, entrepreneurs often fail to give themselves the credit they rightly deserve. Frequently, they are overly self-critical. This can lead to a vicious cycle, where they unknowingly undermine themselves.
It is paramount that you schedule quality time, just for yourself. Conscious self-reflection and appreciation are things that you should not dismiss lightly.
Create a solid support structure
You may not even be aware of it but if you have people working with you, you already have your very own support system.
These people, who have made the deliberate choice to be a part of your team, have already bought into your vision. It is imperative that you encourage and nurture them because they are the ones who will be by your side through the ups and downs. Never lose sight of the fact that they also may have made sacrifices to join you in your journey.
The mark of a great leader is recognising that he did not get to where he is on his own.
Other than your own team, you should strive to connect with your peers and leaders, either in the same industry or similar. Of course, you may be disappointed if you are met with rejection but if you persevere, there will be at least one significant relationship you create, that will make all the difference.
Know your 'Why'
No sane person just ups and decides to start their own business. It takes a lot of careful planning, soul searching and a tremendous amount of courage.
You need to be acutely aware of exactly why you are doing what you are. Be specific. Is it because you are really good at something and can share that value? Is it because you provide some service that no one else can? Is it because you can paint really well and think people will pay money for your art?
You cannot succeed if your end goal is arbitrary. “I want to be a millionaire in five years”, sadly, will get you nowhere.
It does not matter what your reasons are, just recognise them and hold true to them.
Keep sight of your vision
If you work with a team, you need to ensure that they too believe in your vision for the company. When the people you work with have truly bought into your vision, they are far more likely to align their individual values to that shared vision.
Remember, your vision is not your own.
Do not be selfish with your dreams for your company. Share them with your team. This will contribute to their sense of ownership and motivate them to offer new ways of thinking that can help your business grow as a whole.
Your vision at the start may well evolve over time, as your company grows. If you make sure that your team is a part of the growth process it is more likely to have a team that is as committed as you are.