Do you want to get well?
“I’m going to start as soon as ___ ”
“I would have, but ___.”
“If only ___, then I could.”
Sound familiar? Excuses, excuses, excuses. The lies we tell ourselves are the very things that so often prevent us from accomplishing the most significant things in our lives. I’m convinced that these excuses manifest themselves in a way that is worse than failure; stagnation. At least when you try and fail, you put in some effort and took some risk. Doing nothing seems even worse. Remember, breakthrough begins where excuses end.
“Would you like to get well?” That was the question Jesus asked the sick man sitting by the pool of Bethesda for many years. A pool thought to have great healing power.
“Would you like to get well?” What a simple question. One with a seemingly obvious answer, yet when filtered through our human nature one of the most important questions to answer. Answering “yes” requires action in the face of fear and doubt. It requires commitment, sacrifice, and work. It’s easier to say “no” or “yes, but” or “I don’t know how.” The man answered Jesus: “I can’t” and then laid his excuses down at Jesus’ feet.
That’s how it is so often. We think we want something, but our excuses prevent us from making it happen. Either we are afraid of failure, don’t really want to put in the work or make the sacrifice, or don’t truly want it at all”. What are these areas in your life? Weight loss? Relationship? Savings? Addiction? Physical or professional accomplishment?
Eliminating all excuses, Jesus told the man: “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!” Immediately the man did. Breakthrough!
What excuses keep you from a breakthrough? Partner with Jesus, remove the excuse, stand up, and walk!