Do you want to create high performing teams?
Dr. Ritwik Mishra
LI Top Voice | Chief Client Officer | Seasoned HR Leader | Talent Management Expert | Visiting Faculty | TEDx Speaker
*** Request for participation in a research study on high performing teams ***
Dear Colleagues - I am doing an executive FPM program from IIM Lucknow on a topic called 'Leader Member Exchange Theory'. The theory states that leaders create 'in-groups' and 'out-groups' based on several factors like demographics, personality, performance etc. Members of the in-group get more time with leaders, participate in strategic opportunities and projects, and get access to key information and materials to do their job. As a result members of in-group perform better and have higher levels of engagement and motivation. Members of 'out-group' are used to maintain status-quo or business as usual.
My research is focused on the development of relationship between a team member and a team leader over a period of time and levers that can be used by both team members and team leaders to increase the size of the in-group thereby increasing team performance.
I am looking for teams (1 team leader with 3 or more team members) to participate in this study. The process will include 30 to 45 min interviews with both team leader and team members 4 times over 9 months (first month, third month, sixth month, and ninth month). Representation from all levels and industries are sought.
All results will be completely confidential. Only aggregate results will be used to develop a model of how relationship develops over a period of time. No individual results will be used or shared. Results will be shared with participating teams to help them enhance their team performance and become a high performing team - which is a key competitive differentiator in today's world.
If you are interested please drop a note to me at [email protected] and I will call you to on-board you to this study. Please tag someone you think might be interested or 'like' this so it reaches as many people as possible. Thank you for your support.