Do you want to change the culture/environment in your company? Start with these 5 steps.
I worked in a company as a management coach. Everyone from high office to plant employee said they know the company culture needs to change, but after things have been bad or NORMAL for so long how can we start a change and have everyone on board? Companies who want culture/environment change must start with these 5 simple steps.
1. Meet with all of the company leaders, CEF, CFO, GM, H.R. Etc... agree on what type of working culture the company wants to implement. ALL administration must commit to make an honest effort to change.
2. Meet with all managers, project managers, supervisors, Etc. present the changes the company would like to implement. ALL managers, project managers, supervisors, Etc. must commit to make an honest effort to change.
3. Meet with all office and manufacturing employees and present the changes the company would like to implement. ALL employees office/plant must commit to make an honest effort to change.
4. The most important step. Meet with ALL company employees together and explain that everyone has agreed to give the changes an HONEST try and this is a much needed and wanted change. Explain that you know that change is not always easy, and we will make mistakes along the way. We will learn from those mistakes as they come, and continue to make improvements. BE HONEST. Explain that the company sees some area of opportunity to imporve and this is a part of our commitment to grow.
5. Make flyers, posters, certificates, or a stamp that says. EMBRACE THE CHANGE. Hang them EVERYWHERE in the company. The office, plant, restrooms, your office doors. This will remind employees every day to never give up on change.
Of course this just a start. You will have to do way more but it is a fresh start. I suggest you get advice from an outside professional consulting coach. We can see what you cannot see. We are on the outside looking in. For more information about our courses and in-house coaching contact us at [email protected]