Do You Think They Know They’re Special?

Do You Think They Know They’re Special?

I wonder if fireflies know they’re special.

One of my favoritest things about growing up in the suburbs of Chicago was the fireflies.

I loved watching them light up my front yard and chasing them down to catch them in my hands. It felt like magick.

But my man, who grew up in the desert state of Utah, didn’t know such things. Joe had never seen a firefly in his life.

Not until we moved to Maryland and sat in the beautiful, big backyard of a new acquaintance. The sun had just set as the BBQ dinner wound down and we stared out toward the ginormous tree that stretched its limbs across most of the lawn. As the darkness deepened, the slow blinking glow of fireflies lit up the yard, dancing beneath the leaves.

Joe whispered to me, “What is that?!” He was mesmerized. Awed.

“Those are fireflies.” I glanced at him “This is what they do.”

He stood up from his chair, walked out into the backyard, and reached for these fireflies as they lit up for a moment, went dark, and then lit up again, taking him on a wondrous mini journey into the night.

My friend, WE are the fireflies.

Able to…

? Light up the darkness.

? Guide others on their way.

? Remind peeps of who they are.

? Give them power rather than taking it away.

? And lead people into wonderment and magick rather than pushing them back into boxes and labels and fear.

All because of who we are.

...Our authentic (unmasked) self… our BEING-NESS… is the blessing and magick that lifts, lights, guides, transforms, and ripples through the souls touched by our circles of impact.

It can be easy to dismiss ourselves and our magick because lighting up the world is “just what we do.”

But we would be wrong.

There is nothing mundane about you, and that spark inside you that feels so utterly normal—and perhaps sometimes “less than”—IS MAGICK to the people around you.

It’s a gift. A signal. Our way forward in the dark night.

You ARE special.

Your muchness and magick ARE wondrous.

And YOU BEING YOU is already creating a better world.

(I know because I can read souls.)

Firefly, may you always know that who you are is the only magick we need and that everything else you bring (talent, skills, insights, wisdom) is a glorious bonus.

…And on the days you might forget (because we all do)… may you see my light in the darkness and be reminded of your own.

Keep flying.

Keep shining.

I believe in you.

Loves & hugs,

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to live the full depth and breadth of your Authenticity and Joy, choosing the unbridled pursuit of your happiness, impact, and dreams, I got you. You are worth it.


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