Do You Talk to Yourself?

Do You Talk to Yourself?

Hearing Voices?

I definitely think in full sentences, and I am constantly talking to myself in my head. And to be honest? Even though I am very aware of all the ways people are different, it never really occurred to me that other people didn’t hear their own voice in their head.

Judging from the number of shares I saw of this article, I am not alone in my ignorance on this one! And although I am not quite as baffled by how people can live without that voice as the original post author, it did get me thinking (pun intended).

What Would Happen if it Was Quiet?

Part of me wonders how my life would be different without those voices, especially some of my loudest ones that like to tell me I’m not good enough or talk me out of big ideas because everything isn’t perfect (as many of you know, Little Miss Perfect Pants is my loudest saboteur). 

And what about all those arguments from ten years ago that I’m still rehashing or the awful phone call I’m replaying in my head over and over? If all those were gone would I have more brain space for things that are more important?

But those voices also help me process and let me think through stuff to learn how I might do something different next time, so I wouldn’t want them gone altogether.

Don’t Get Stuck

The core of Thoughtfully Fit is to Pause. Think. Act. It’s all about taking some time to mull things over. But sometimes those voices can get loud and go on and on. That’s when it’s time to quiet them down, and go do something. 

It’s easy to talk yourself into and out of decisions again and again, so just remember that it’s okay to stop analyzing and make a decision. Try not to let those voices second guess you for weeks on end!

You Don’t Have to Listen 

Just because you hear voices doesn’t mean you have to listen to them! Just ask my kids when it’s time to do the dishes. I’m sure they hear me, but they certainly aren’t listening. 

This is especially important to remember when your gremlins are in there making a racket about all the things you can’t do. See if you can counter them with voices that are a little more encouraging. 

And if you can’t get your internal voice to shift to a more inspiring message, maybe it’s time to start talking to other people and asking them for some encouragement! We weren’t really meant to only talk to ourselves.

How Voices Make Life Different

If you’re curious to learn more about what it’s like without voices in your head (or with them, if you’re part of the population that doesn’t have them), I encourage you to watch this hilarious video where the article author asks about how the lack of voices affects the way you read, write, dream, and even shower!

While for the most part, I appreciate the voices in my head for helping me make sense of my world (and not saying everything out loud), it’s good to remember not to let them boss you around too much. 

Unless they’re telling you it’s time for a nap, in which case you should definitely listen. 

Download our FREE three-part video series, Getting Through Crisis with Thoughtfully Fit, and start your journey to being more intentional and bringing your best self to every situation!

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Paul Gilbride ?PCC ?CDTLF

Founder and Corporate Leadership, Team and Executive Coach at Gilbride Corporate Coaching

4 年

The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer.... is an amazing biography that starts with a man's pursuit of understanding and silencing that voice.?



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