Do you take time out to disrupt and reset?

As a serial entrepreneur, I have learned through experience just how important it is to take time out from the day to day operation of your business and disrupt your old patterns and way of thinking.

As I look back over my 35 plus years in business I can see clearly my patterns. I can see how those times when I decided to step away form my businesses and "go bush" had the greatest impact. It was when I was away from the day to day operations and routine that I was able to gain a new perspective, see much further into the future and allow my creative imagination to dream and play with new ideas and possibilities.

I once took six months off to spend time with my wife and gain some clarity. That six months turned into 5 years travelling, reading, writing and thinking about the next opportunity. I've started and or helped build more than 10 businesses since then and have consulted with dozens of other businesses to support their leaders and help them grow. That time travelling with my wife was such a rich and rewarding period. It prepared me for the future and helped me establish a way of life in which I can leverage my skills and networks in a very powerful and enjoyable way.

Today I live on a farm in the country with my family and invite select Entrepreneurs, Founders, CEO's, Thought Leaders and Leadership Teams to come and spend time with me on the farm so that they can gain some clarity and perspective and see their business in a new light.

The Farm Stay experience is an amazing combination of magic, inspiration and implementation." - Michael Maidens

And, whilst I live in what I consider to be paradise, I still love to travel and take time out myself so that I can get recharged, have challenging and inspiring experiences, meet new people and push myself and my thinking to a new level.

Earlier this year, I took a trip to South Africa on a Soul Safari with one of my mentors and a group of amazing like minded people. It was such a wonderful experience that I returned home and decided that I wanted to do it again with a group of likeminded friends, colleagues, entrepreneurs and thought leaders.

So I have put together an amazing trip called Soul Safari 2017.

It's an opportunity for busy executives that want to make a difference in their lives and on the planet to step out of their day to day busy-ness, challenge their thinking and take a new and exciting look at their business and their life.

If this sounds like something that you are ready for then contact me and I can take you though the details. If you love the idea and want to come, and you can book before December 25 then you will also get to come and spend time with me on my farm. Read this link for more details -


