Do you suffer from FOMO or get distracted by shiny objects?
Vicky Labinger
Holding business owners accountable to set and hit their goals either through 1:1 mentoring or The Smile Hub. Free Business Health Check to get started. Certified ADHD Support Specialist. Inspire | Educate | Win
My hand is firmly raised in the air.
Yes, I get super distracted by shiny objects – whether they are new courses, free challenges, new webinars, new books, new channels to follow on YouTube……. the list goes on.
How about you?
When working with a client last week we were looking at her marketing channels for the first part of 2021 and were discussing the pros and cons of email marketing (what you are reading right now is email marketing!)
It was on her ‘to do’ list as “everyone is doing it “
It’s a bit like when my girls came home from school and said everyone had a mobile phone (at 10!) but them. The reality is no they didn’t, but their perception was ‘everyone’ did.
Sorry I digressed ??
Once we had talked through the steps to start email marketing the realisation set in that it isn’t the right time for the client now to be taking on this channel.
Between setting up a lead magnet, building an audience, creating an email automation sequence, and then writing a weekly newsletter it all felt too much for where my client is right now with her Interior Design business.
When I asked her how she found our session, she said:
“Very Helpful. Sometimes you need to realise that although ideas sound great until you realise what’s involved/entails, you can think through, how would I put in my already tight schedule. It's just one less worry for now. Consciously, I can say not right now"
Now, I’m not saying you don’t need to do email marketing – if you have the bandwidth or support then I highly recommend building your own audience. If you’d like to chat with on how to do this, then drop me a reply and we can set up a chat.
But this client has other priorities.
She is spending money each month on other services that need to generate leads and sales before she gets distracted by shiny objects.
Her focus needs to be getting the most out of these other marketing channels, and she has plenty to do before overwhelming herself with trying to write the perfect email each week.
Where are you focusing your marketing efforts for the first part of 2023?
If you’d like to have a chat to check that you are focusing your business in the right area, then why not grab a free discovery call with me. Why not do it now and set up a call for early January to get started on the right footing.
Book a free chat
Have a great weekend. I am taking a walking photography lesson in London so watch out for some dodgy pictures on my socials ??
PS If you’d like to read some snippers of what my clients say about my 121 service then keep reading
“It’s incredibly useful to speak to a likeminded person in the same field who understands all the issues we face as Interior Designers”
“I love our calls.... you are helping me focus and giving me accountability to stay on track”
“Vicky listens, offers valuable advice and insightful support whenever an improvement would be recommended.”
“I have been able to progress my interior business and develop skills I need for business”