Do you suck in Digital Marketing? do something about it. Spoiler alert: everything it's not getting digital. It already is.
Oswaldo P Castillo
Sales + Marketing Ninja | Growth | Digital Marketing + sales | Guerrilla Marketing Consultant
Do you? maybe not. but do you know and understand all the tools, measurements and things you can do? mmm, not sure.
I start this way since I built a career based on Sales and Marketing; and always discussed about the digital marketing actions - but I never was the executioner. This is why I enrolled on this program to not only talk about it, but be able to do it.
Content wise, I can share with you the syllabus, which will let you see it does cover EVERYTHING you'd need.
On the same side (and this is why you are reading this) they promote you to learn and practice - and encourage you to do real-life stuff.
And last but not least, its impressive that they are not backed up by any University, yet they team up with the corporations that are writing the history of Digital Marketing; such as Facebook, Google, Hubspot, etc - and you get content from them, which is terrific. But read a little more how the program changed my life forever here in the following link:
Get your DIGITAL on!
Whether its digital marketing or other subjects, and after been part of educational instittutions for over 7 years, the best advice I can give you is to don't stop learning.
Get curious.