Do You Spend More Time Planning Your Next Vacation Than You Do Your Career?

Do You Spend More Time Planning Your Next Vacation Than You Do Your Career?

When growing up Walt Disney rarely asked for much from his parents. 

You see he came from a modest and frugal family. 

But one day Walt spotted a pair of leather boots with metal toes.

And Walt decided he must have them! 

He thought they'd be great for his day job, which at the time was delivering newspapers. 

He asked his parents, who caved in, and he found them under the Christmas tree that year. 

Walt wore them every day, and like any kid trampled and kicked anything in sight. 

After all, they were metal toe-capped shoes, why let them go to waste?

One spring, during his paper round, Walt noticed some of his friends across the street. 

As he crossed the street to greet them, he noticed a piece of ice lying in the middle of the street.

Like always, he couldn't resist the temptation to kick it.

As Walt's foot collided with the block of ice, something sharp struck his boot. 

A surge of pain raced up his leg, as he looked down he noticed a nail sticking out of his boot. 

Luckily a local wagon driver heard his screams and took him to the doctors. 

After having the nail removed with a pair of pliers and receiving a tetanus shot. 

He found himself bedridden for weeks. 

During that time young Walt Disney had a lot of time to contemplate life.

Including what he might do for the rest of his life. 

Maybe he considered the following?

  • How he loved drawing and amusing his classmates with cartoons.
  • His friendship with his school mate Walter Pfeiffer, whose family introduced him to the magic of theatre. 
  • The fact he had poor grades and couldn't become a lawyer or doctor. 

What we do know though, according to biographer Bob Thomas...

...was that by the time his foot was healed, he had decided to become a cartoonist.

And as we well know, the rest is history. 

But would we still have Disney if Walt wasn't forced into some unexpected downtime? 

We will never know.

But I have a question for you instead. 

When was the last time you took the time to plan your career?

Like, really spent some time getting clear on what's really important to you? 

Life is so busy, sometimes we get lost in living the same day, over and over. 

I see people spending more time planning their next vacation than they do their careers.

Sometimes we need moments that force us to wake up and take action. 

But don't wait for things like;

  • Redundancy
  • Bad bosses
  • Missed promotions
  • Or significant life events

Isn't it time you started to map out a new path now?

Our ears can only take us so far before our hands have to do the rest of the work. 

And just like Walt, when you slow down, get clear on what you want and then turn it into a plan. 

Then anything is possible!

So, why wait until your forced to think about your future?

Act now. 


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  • How to Market Yourself So Employers Will Be Begging You to Join Them.

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