Do you speak feminism? A glossary
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We've compiled the top 10 terms frequently used in feminist discussions and crafted this glossary to provide clarity amidst the confusion.
A movement promoting gender equality by challenging oppressive systems and discrimination based on gender, addressing issues like sexism and the marginalisation of women in politics, economics, and culture.
Refers to prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, based on their sex or gender. It manifests in various forms, such as unequal treatment, biased attitudes, or systemic barriers, perpetuating gender inequality.
A social system granting men privileged positions, historically shaping institutions, norms, and values. Feminist movements use this term to describe gender relations disadvantaging women and individuals of diverse gender identities.
Gender refers to societal expectations and roles based on perceived or assigned sex, extending beyond traditional male and female categories to include diverse identities like non-binary and transgender. It influences individuals' experiences and opportunities within society.
Gender Stereotypes
Gender stereotypes are simplified beliefs about appropriate characteristics and behaviours based on gender, perpetuating inequality by imposing rigid norms and unequal standards.
Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap refers to the disparity in earnings between men and women, often resulting in women being paid less for performing the same work or work of equal value as their male counterparts.
Recognises how various social identities like gender, race, class, and ability intersect to shape individuals' experiences of privilege and oppression. It's crucial in feminist work to understand and tackle workplace inequalities effectively.
Misogyny is the hatred, contempt, or prejudice against women and femininity. It manifests in various forms, including discrimination, violence, and sexist attitudes and behaviours, perpetuating gender inequality and reinforcing harmful stereotypes about women.
Glass Ceiling
Refers to the unseen obstacle that hinders women and marginalised groups from reaching top leadership roles in organisations, regardless of their qualifications and skills.
In the context of feminism, empowerment refers to the liberation and strengthening of individuals, particularly women, to challenge and overcome oppressive systems and structures. It involves fostering a sense of self-worth, confidence, and autonomy, as well as providing access to resources and opportunities that enable women to advocate for their rights and pursue their goals free from discrimination and inequality.
Any words you have heard but are are unsure of that we should add?
Image: Kathrine Switzer is a feminist trailblazer recognised for breaking barriers in sports as the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon in 1967, defying discriminatory practices against female participation. Her courageous stance catalysed advancements in gender equality within the realm of athletics, symbolising the resilience and determination of women in challenging societal norms.