Do you send nudes?
Kevin Cronister
CEO of Guardian Training Solutions | ICAC Detective | Former SWAT Squad Leader | Child Protection Advocate | Co-Host, Screen Guardians Podcast
At this point, I raised my voice a little.
“Look, he has no criminal history and they’re claiming you falsified a report about the search warrant you got for his phone. So, if we don’t offer him a decent plea, they’ll take you through Giglio hearings trying to discredit you and, if by some crazy miracle the Judge agrees with them, you’ll be impeached as a witness and never be able to testify again.”
The Assistant District Attorney paused, letting his words sink in.
“I know you didn’t do anything wrong. But they’re trying to twist the words in your report to make it look like you intentionally lied to him to get the passcode for his phone and then lied in your report. I’ve worked with you on dozens of cases before this and I know your quality of work. This case is airtight and he’s looking at multiple Off-Grid Felonies which are punishable by up to LIFE in prison. But I don’t want to put you through all these hearings. They’re stressful. And the reality is, a lot of the evidence you found showing he was sharing toddler porn with other people can’t be used in court because MegaNZ didn’t provide you a Certificate of Authenticity when they gave you the files.”
“All we have at this point is the fact he met up with you for sex thinking you were a 14-year-old girl. It’s only enough to charge him with Electronic Solicitation of a Child. We can also probably charge him with Sexual Exploitation of a Child for the couple of CSAM images you found saved on his phone. I think we have to give him a plea deal for Felony Probation.?
Yes, you read that right. Probation… For a 35-year-old married man working for a huge technology company who attempted to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex in his car at a public parking lot belonging to a nature center. Never mind the fact the 14-year-old girl was 5’10” with cauliflower ear and a beard.
I had chatted with this man for over a year undercover using a 14-year-old girl as a persona, starting on the Whisper App, and eventually moving to Wickr. He clearly had experience and employed various grooming techniques, to which I played along. Our conversation started innocently enough with him asking what I was looking for on Whisper and what my family was like. Eventually, after he found out “Samantha” didn’t have a father figure in her life and fought with her mother all the time, our suspect became the “father figure” she’d always wanted, offering advice, encouragement, and compliments.
I’ve done hundreds of these undercover chats and they always follow the same pattern. These men (And, yes. Almost 100% of my cases have been men.) look for a very specific type of child. One who is easily manipulated into needing their attention and love because they lack it at home. And, specifically, one who has no father. Because fathers scare these cowards. An involved father terrifies a pedophile more than any other aspect of a child’s life. Take note, many of these predators have told me they move on to a different target when they find out a child has a good relationship with an involved father figure. Or Uncle. Or male teacher/coach. Fathers and other protective male figures are the single most important aspects to preventing predatory behavior from pedophiles. But… I digress.
We chatted for a long time and then, out of nowhere one day, he told me he was scared of getting in trouble and that we couldn’t talk anymore.
“Good decision,” I can remember thinking to myself.
I moved on to other suspects and other investigations until, a year later, I received a message from him on Wickr.
“Do you send nudes?”
That’s it. That’s all the message said. After an entire year of thinking about me, the most romantic thing he could come up with was “Do you send nudes?” This is not an uncommon phenomenon. Any Investigator or Detective who does this job will tell you predators often break off contact in a very rare moment of clarity, common sense, and potential integrity. But this is a compulsion for a pedophile and they never stay gone for long. A week. A month. A year. Eventually they come back. Because even though they see red flags and deep down know this is too good to be true, they are driven. So driven to manipulate and prey on our children they can’t help but hope it’s real. So, they reach back out and the game starts all over again.?
When I received the Wickr message, I immediately knew who it was based on the screen name. But I played dumb.
“Lol, who is this?”
I knew I needed to get him to admit to previously messaging me. It would show a nexus between this conversation and our previous one. Especially since our first conversation took place on Whisper and this was Wickr, a separate and vastly different application.
“A guy from Whisper that used to talk to you a while back.”
“U do remember I’m 14, right? Lol.”
No response. I put my phone down. Well, maybe he didn’t remember my age. Perhaps he will now make the correct choice to disappear into the cyber world full of “almost pedophiles”. Those who are attracted to children but too scared to do anything except look at child porn. I opened up my other files and got to work on a search warrant for a different case. My phone vibrated.
“Lol I do remember. I’m just trying not to go to jail is all lmao.”
Never mind. He chose to go full pedophile. The conversation went on for a long time and I won’t bore you, or disgust you, with all the details. Yet. But, needless to say, he asked for nude images. Then asked me to take nude images of my 14-year-old classmates in the locker room. Then informed me he wanted to “eat some pussy and get some head” (I lied about not disgusting you with details). And FINALLY, he got to the point of this whole conversation.
“Just throwing this out there but…We could meet.”
Game. Set. Match. Now the game picks up a sense of urgency. It’s not easy to get to this point with a suspect. They’re a notoriously suspicious group of people, for good reason, and it takes multiple “chatting” techniques, an understanding of case law and “entrapment” issues, as well as serious flexibility with my schedule.
After a year of chatting and getting “comfortable” with each other, it took only five hours from the time he sent me the first message on Wickr to the time he was sitting in the back of a Patrol vehicle in handcuffs. It could take years for a pedophile to groom a child. But once they think they’re in a position to safely victimize the child, they move fast. It becomes a game of minutes to hours instead of months to years.?
Prior to meeting, I jumped through a lot of hoops. He wanted pictures of me sent to him to “prove” I was real. Cool. No problem.
“A guy like me can’t be too careful.”
Truer words were never spoken. He asked for a photograph of me with my index finger on my nose and my tongue sticking out as verification of life. Tricky guy, huh? Now, obviously, as stated before, my cauliflower ear, beard, and incredibly masculine physique (just give me this one, ok?) does not give off a 14-year-old girl vibe. So, I called in a favor and asked a female Detective to take a picture of herself in this pose and send it to me. Unfortunately, she was at home attempting to enjoy a few adult beverages and is 43 years old. But that only added to the glowing, innocent ambience of the picture after I utilized software to age regress her face into a beaming 14-year-old. Mr. Pedophile had his “proof of life” picture. I immediately received a response.?
“Man, I really didn’t think you were real. I assumed you worked for the FBI or something lol.”
Nope, Not the FBI. I tend to appreciate the Constitution. BUT, close enough, my child abusing friend.
“When do you want to meet?”
We decided to meet around 4:00 at a local nature center parking lot for some “car fun” because he had to be home by 5:00. He had important things to do at 5:30… AKA He had to be home in time for his wife to not be suspicious of his whereabouts or the fact he was a morally defunct pedophile. We had previously identified him through social media posts compared to photographs he sent me so I knew who I was looking for. I also knew I was looking for a cute Tesla. I was slightly disappointed I wasn’t going to actually end up inside the car. I’ve heard they’re nice.
Our surveillance units observed the Tesla pull into the parking lot and drive around slowly, seeming to look for something. Spoiler alert, the young girl wasn’t there. He sent me numerous messages asking where I was and I told him I got hung up at school but would be there shortly. In true paranoid pedophile form, he left instead of waiting because any deviation in the original plan causes a panic in a child predator. A traffic stop was initiated on his vehicle and he was taken into custody. We impounded the Tesla and Mr. Pedophile was transported back to my office so I could introduce myself to him as “Samantha”.?
I read him his Miranda Rights (because, unfortunately, even pedophiles have rights) and he signed the waiver form, indicating he wanted to speak to me. He admitted to sending the messages via Wickr and to my 14-year-old undercover persona. He went to say he “panicked” when he was pulled over and deleted all the messages from his phone. At this point, he didn’t know I was “Samantha” and already had all of the messages saved neatly and securely on my own phone.
Just for fun, I’ll tell you some of the justifications he gave me. But first, you need to understand how these interviews shake out. I, for one, think anyone who victimizes a child is quite possibly the lowest form of life. Child predators are the antithesis of manhood and masculinity. Where masculinity attempts to protect and provide, pedophiles attempt to victimize, prey, and take. All the while, slowly eroding the child’s mental health to the point where they probably won’t be able to trust anyone ever again. The strong one’s come back after being victimized and are able to live relatively normal lives. The weaker ones are forever traumatized and will never form a strong personal relationship again. But, both groups will have to battle the psychological damage for the rest of their existence. For that, every pedophile should be locked in a room with the father, or another capable male volunteer, for approximately 10-15 minutes. I’m not suggesting anything should potentially happen inside that room, however. Don’t put words in my mouth.?
Now that you know how I truly feel about these guys, you should know I try to become their best friend. Their only lifeline. The one person who believes they aren’t some kind of monster. Just a poor, sad man who is a victim himself. A victim of his urges, compulsions, and circumstances beyond his control. After all, pedophilia should just be another “sexual orientation” like homosexuality, right? Right, guys? Right!? If you watched my interviews, you’d think I was a misogynistic prick who blames the victim for their “ordeal.” But it’s all part of the game. Understand, that by making them believe I think they’re “good guys” who simply made a “silly mistake” with a girl who “clearly put herself out there for sex” they become comfortable enough to acknowledge their behavior and I’ve got a pretty good batting average for confessions. And they also tend to discuss more of the subculture with me, which allows me to delve deeper into understanding the psychology behind these offenders.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” – Sun Tzu, Art of War
When they say, “What was I thinking!?”, I say, “We all make the mistake of thinking with our dicks sometimes, brother.”
When they say, “She talked me into it!”, I say, “I know! I read the messages and, Good Lord, 14-year-old girls these days look like they’re 21!”
Before too long, they’re admitting the full scope of their actions because they truly believe it’s not a big deal and the Detective sitting across from them, whose sole purpose in life is to put pedophiles in prison, probably won’t care too much. Throughout this case study, and the ones that follow, you’ll get a much better idea about the role of suspect interviews in these investigations and why it’s so vital I develop rapport with some of the most despicable human beings on the planet. And you’ll also understand why cops can legally lie to suspects during interviews. It’s not because we’re naturally dishonest (well, not all of us). It’s an interview tactic designed to pull out information.
Now, back to Mr. Nature Center’s excuses. After literally punching himself in the head numerous times while crying and repeating “Stupid, stupid, stupid” he admitted everything to me. However, he advised he had no “intent” to actually meet with “Samantha”. I asked the obvious question, which was, why show up at the nature center if you didn’t intend to meet her?
His response? He was “chasing the thrill” of getting close but not “following through.” Mr. Nature Center asked me to believe he was simply showing up at the preplanned location to get a little kick of adrenaline. Then he was just going to drive his Tesla home to eat dinner with his wife, satisfied at the day’s events. He went on to state he didn’t have any expectations of receiving the “nudes” he asked for either. He was simply trying to engage in “playful banter.” He then proceeded to punch himself in the head again. I let him… Because it saved me from having to do it.
I’ll never understand this type of behavior but it’s not the first time a pedophile has hit or hurt themselves in my presence while making self-deprecating statements. Maybe they’re attempting to elicit sympathy or show how sorry they are? I don’t know. They lose the self-harm behavior real quick when they learn it earns them a special padded cell and smock at the jail that prevents them from committing suicide. It’s called a “pickle suit” by the inmates because it’s green and advertises the fact that you’re suicidal to all the other inmates. You find out real quick who is actually exhibiting self-harm behaviors and who simply wants the sympathy.
On a side note, his wife called my office and told me the Tesla had TOLD HER it was impounded and gave her it’s location! She wanted to know where her husband was and why the car was impounded. Apparently, it has the ability to send certain messages to registered owners via the Tesla App if it’s in an unfamiliar location for an extended period of time. It decided it had been parked in the parking lot of a tow company long enough, I guess. Needless to say, I was not prepared to have this conversation with her but Tesla forced my hand. Thanks, Elon. Smart cars are wild, man.
Also, holler at me Elon. I need your cars to start identifying a pedophile using facial recognition or something, bro. If you get into a Tesla and you have a molestache (yes, that’s a real thing and a lot of these guys have it), you’re in your mid-thirties, and look like you kinda take care of yourself but also probably haven’t showered in a few days, I need a notification sent to the local Crimes against Children Detective. That would be cool. And I’ll only expect a small royalty from Tesla as the cars sell.
Once I handled that emotionally charged conversation informing his wife he was a pedophile, I seized the suspect’s phone and placed it into our secure evidence storage. He wouldn’t give me consent to search it, so I seized it as evidence and my new friend caught a ride with a patrol Deputy to be transported and booked into our jail where he could make lots of new friends with some of the same proclivities. Now I had to draft a search warrant for the cell phone and submit it to the District Attorney’s Office, then sit and wait for it to be reviewed and signed by a judge.
As I was working on reports, I realized I’d forgotten to ask him for the passcode to his phone. Without it, my forensic software wouldn’t be able to conduct the examination. I hadn’ t yet received the search warrant and but I called over to the jail. I informed my suspect I was obtaining said search warrant and I needed his passcode so I could use the forensic software in the confines of my office. The alternative was to send the phone to the criminalistics laboratory and wait a decade for them to examine it (that’s obviously an exaggeration… but not by much.)
The crime lab has the ability to bypass a locked cell phone in order to conduct a forensic examination, but it generally takes a long time. Initially, he stated he wanted to speak to his attorney before making the decision on whether to give me the code. I advised him he was under no obligation to give me the passcode, however, I needed to make a decision that day on what to do with his cell phone.
I told him if he wanted to wait to speak to his attorney, he absolutely could but I may as well just send the phone to the laboratory. I thanked him for his time (as if he was super busy sitting in jail) and prepared to hang up and start the laboratory submission sheet. He stopped me and stated he’d rather give me the passcode then have the phone sent to the laboratory. He didn’t want the lab to hold on to his phone forever, as it was his work phone (Yes, he used his work phone to download all the child porn…Brilliant, right?) and he was under some illusion he’d be able to get it back so his employer wouldn’t be upset. Wrong. But, I humored him and happily jotted down the passcode.?
Now, I’d like to take a brief interlude to explain some case law surrounding cell phone passcodes. I won’t bore you with legalese but, essentially, the passcode to your phone is not considered protected by the 4th Amendment. That is, even if you state you’d like to invoke your 5th Amendment right to remain silent and you state you’d like to speak to an attorney, I can still ask you for your passcode without violating your Miranda Rights because the passcode is considered “administrative”. Your Miranda Rights protect you from answering questions which would incriminate you while you’re in custody. Asking for your passcode is not incriminating, in and of itself.
So, although I did not yet have my search warrant and my pedophile had stated he’d like to speak to his attorney first, I violated no rights or case law by obtaining the passcode. I need a search warrant to SEARCH your phone, not obtain the administrative information I’d need to execute the search warrant once I have it. The passcode is not evidentiary. The information I access WITH the passcode is evidentiary. And, the reality is, I’d get into the phone and obtain the evidence with or without the passcode by sending it to the laboratory.
So, obtaining the passcode was simply saving everyone time and effort. Now, if I were to use the fact that you knew the passcode of the phone to try and prove the phone belonged to you (which was not the case here), THEN asking for the passcode would technically be evidentiary since I planned to use it as evidence of ownership. Make sense? No? Ok, think of it like this:?
Hypothetically speaking, I’m going to get a search warrant for your house. The key to your front door is like the passcode. I don’t have the search warrant yet, but I tell you it’s coming and I’d like the key to your house so we can execute the search warrant when it comes in. You tell me you’d like to talk to your attorney first. Now, I don’t NEED the key to your house to get in. We can just breach the door with a battering ram and make entry. However, it’s easier for everyone if I use the key.?
You don’t have to give me the key. After all, you do have the right to remain silent and not provide me with any information or help at all. But once I have the search warrant, I’ll get in one way or another. Also, I’m not searching your house by asking you for the key. As a matter of fact, even if you give me the key, I’ll still wait until I have the search warrant in hand before I even put it in the door. Asking for the key is simply a matter of convenience and an administrative function. The key itself is not evidentiary nor is asking for it an attempt to obtain an evidentiary statement of any kind. Which means, even if you invoke your 5th amendment right to remain silent, barring me from asking you any questions in which the answers could incriminate you, I can still ask you for the key without violating your rights.?
And as long as I wait until I have the search warrant to use the key and look inside your house, I’ve crossed no legal boundaries.?
Easy peasy, right? Well, remember this little conversation. It creates massive problems later and shines a light on how broken the system is when it comes to holding pedophiles accountable for ruining the lives of children… If said pedophile has enough money, that is.
The warrant came through within hours and I immediately hooked his cell phone up to my forensic software. It downloaded the contents of the phone and I reviewed them over the course of the next day. I realized this was his work phone and it actually belonged to the large technology company he worked for. It appeared he used his work phone for his elicit pedophile activities because his wife had access to his personal phone.?
What I located on his phone was, for most normal human beings, probably shocking and sickening. But for me, it was just another Wednesday. Within the icons of his phone, I noticed the familiar “M” logo for an app called MegaNZ. Anyone familiar with this cloud-based date storage application knows any data you store is typically end-to-end encrypted which prevents even anyone working at MegaNZ from seeing what you’re storing on their platform. It’s also protected from law enforcement because MegaNZ operates out of New Zealand, a country that has such a great relationship with the United States it refuses to honor or search warrants or subpoenas.?
Now, I knew exactly what I’d find on this application IF I was able to access it. MegaNZ is notorious for hosting large amounts of child pornography because they have plausible deniability (“We can’t even see what people are storing. It’s encrypted” – MegaNZ… Probably) and they simply deny any subpoena or search warrant sent to them on jurisdictional grounds. A pedophile would know this, too. Also, when you click the MegaNZ application, you need a completely separate password to access the data stored within. Which meant I was probably beat. There’s no way the suspect would give up that password and MegaNZ wouldn’t be of any help.?
I clicked on the application anyway, more out of habit that any actual hope it would miraculously open. The phone stalled out for a minute, then the MegaNZ logo filled the screen. I glanced away at my office clock then looked back at the application, expecting to see a login scree and preparing for disappointment. I had to do a double take. It opened. He had disabled the log in screen. What kind of a moron uses a securely encrypted application but leaves it logged in at all time!? An impatient, horny moron who gets tired of typing in his username and password just to view his child porn. Which is exactly what I saw when the app opened. My stomach turned slightly at the content. It wasn’t just child porn. We’re not talking pictures of 16-year-old girl’s breasts. This was toddler porn. Grown ass men having sexual intercourse with prepubescent toddlers and kids between the ages of 4-8 years old. And he was sharing it with others on the internet. A whole pedophile community.?
Now, for those of you unfamiliar with child porn, and I hope that’s all of you (if not, I’ll see you soon), this genre of child porn is so egregious and revolting the courts have determined the sharing of it to be an off-grid felony. At least in my state. Meaning there is no penalty range or maximum. This is punishable by up to life in prison based on circumstances. Given the fact Mr. Nature Center Pedophile had attempted to meet who he thought was a 14-year-old girl for sex, I figured the sharing of this material would certainly be looked at as an egregious enough offense to warrant a serious penalty. Unfortunately, I underestimated the criminal justice system’s ability to royally screw society.
Before I could charge him with a crime, I needed to confirm this MegaNZ account belonged to him. Yes, I know. It was on his phone. And anyone with common sense would know this material probably belonged to the guy who carried the phone around and who just tried to have sex with a 14-year-old girl… However, due to the wonders of our criminal justice system, the presence of the application on his phone wasn’t enough to link it directly to him.
He had signed up for an account using an email address connected to a made-up persona and the name on the MegaNZ account didn’t match his name. A defense attorney would argue someone else had put the application on his phone. It was his work phone, after all. And his totally innocent client had no idea gigabytes of child porn were accessible from his phone by the simple click of an icon.?
Another issue I had was, technically speaking, he wasn’t in “possession” of the elicit content. It was stored in the cloud, not on his phone. Which meant, although he could access at will, it was not in his physical “possession”. Again, I realize how completely ridiculous this is to anyone with common sense. Welcome to our court system. Home to the most educated and brightest minds in the legal arena.
I had no choice but to try and work with MegaNZ to get the information I needed to prove he was responsible for uploading and sharing the content. I comprised an email that sounded more like a child begging his mom to let him have a sleep over than a Detective requesting information with the weight of the law behind him. After all, I had no leverage here. They could tell me to pound sand or ignore my email altogether. To my surprise, they responded. And their response changed my entire opinion of MegaNZ and how they handle business.
The beginning of their email was no surprise to me.?
“Good afternoon, Detective. Unfortunately, as we are a New Zealand based company, we are not obligated to provide any information in response to a United States search warrant or subpoena.”
Dammit, I thought. So much for that idea.
But the rest of the email pleasantly shocked me.?
“However, we have zero tolerance for any child abuse material on our platform. Attached you will find all of the information regarding the account you mentioned, to include the data we have access to within the account. This includes shared links. This is all of the information we would provide if we honored your search warrant. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can help in any other way.”?
Respect to MegaNZ and to whoever answered my email. This is the collaboration necessary if we’re going to make any progress in eradicating the evil that is child sexual abuse. I was never able to find out who from MegaNZ replied to my email or provided me with the data, but I owe them a beer. You know, the next time I’m in New Zealand, I guess…?
Anyway, the information they provided showed me it was, in fact, my suspect’s account. The link he was publicly sharing contained the same content I located on his phone. I verified this by copying the link, going to Internet Explorer on my undercover computer, and simply pasting the link into my browser. It linked directly to the child sexual abuse material with no MegaNZ account required on my end. I was able to download the material directly to my computer.?
As if this wasn’t enough, I also located messages between my suspect and other users on the Whisper App. These messages were atrocious. He engaged in theoretical conversations with other pedophiles about grooming techniques and how to get children to trust them. He virtually high-fived another user who said he’d been able to “fuck a 15-year-old”. Our hometown pedophile wanted all the details of their encounter. This included breast size, other descriptors, what sex positions they used, where they were when they had sex, and obviously, he wanted to know if the other user was willing to introduce him to this 15-year-old.?
He whined and griped about the difficulty of finding a young enough girl to have sex with in his area. He especially grumbled about us pesky cops getting in the way of a good ole’ fashioned child rape. My suspect was also chatting with various other young girls. I somberly jotted down their usernames, knowing I’d never find them since Whisper is an anonymous application and keeps no personal information about its users.
I also saw his penis. A lot. Like, pictures and pictures of his penis. He absolutely spammed dick pics. He was the Patrick Mahomes of dick pics. Throwing them to anyone and everyone in such creative ways I was slightly impressed. But, unlike Mahomes, they were rarely received in the way he hoped. As an aside, if you have any interest in becoming a child crimes Detective, you will see more penises than you ever thought possible. When I start chatting with a suspect online, it often goes like this:?
Me – “Hi, I’m Samantha :)”
Them – “Hi, Samantha. Have a look at MY DICK!!”
Bam! Dick pic. No warmup. No warning. No foreplay. Just a vivid, detailed picture of an undersized micro-penis. Usually at an angle where their engorged belly can peek into the bottom portion of the picture. Large amounts of body hair and all.
Anyway, I collected all of this information, spent days typing reports, and provided it all to the District Attorney’s Office already daydreaming of how the other inmates would treat this guy during his decades in prison. Case closed, right? This child predator would be going to prison for decades and the children of my county would be safe from his disgusting perversion, right? Right, guys!?
Unfortunately, you already know the ending of the story. He received probation. This guy went home to his wife and will already be on the streets finding new ways to download and share videos of small children being raped. If I know anything about these offenders, he’s probably also on a different chat application trying to find another 14-year-old girl for some “car fun.”?
Ultimately, the reason he received probation and not decades in prison was… you guessed it… Money. He used his big tech company salary and hired one of the best defense attorneys in the state. He went through my case with a find-tooth comb and tried to pick out any technicality he could find to throw shade and allow this predator to roam free again. If you remember the beginning of this story’s long-winded introduction in Part 1, the defense attorney claimed I intentionally falsified a report and, because of this, he threatened a Brady/Giglio Hearing. This hearing is essentially an accusation against a law enforcement officer before a judge saying the officer intentionally lied and is therefore no longer a credible witness. This precludes him from ever testifying again. Which would essentially render the case impossible to prosecute and the officer unable to investigate anything ever again.?
Spoiler alert – I can still testify and none of the accusations stuck. However, it caused irreparable harm to this case and, honestly, to my community.
The alleged fabrication in my report? I stated I had “obtained a search warrant for the suspect’s phone” and had then “asked him for the passcode.” Remember that conversation between me and the suspect that I specifically told you to remember? No? Ok, take a second to go back and read it…?
Yeah, hopefully you caught it. I hadn’t “obtained” the search warrant before asking for his passcode. I had “applied” for it, asked for his passcode and “obtained” it mere hours later. That’s it. I used the word “obtained” when I should have said “applied.” A very easily correctible and simple human mistake. That was the gigantic fabrication alleged by a highly compensated and well-educated attorney. And that’s all it took for this case to go from sending a prolific sex offender to prison on off-grid felony charges to allowing a child rapist to walk the streets as long as he promises to be good and registers as a sex offender. It didn’t matter that I had all the evidence necessary to incarcerate him for much of his adult life. Nope, the District Attorney’s Office didn’t want to have to go through the work of a Brady/Giglio Hearing so they dropped a majority of the charges and offered a sweetheart of a deal. It was such a good deal, I’ll it the “Hunter Biden” plea.?
Another issue with the case was that, although MegaNZ had provided me with all the information willingly, because it hadn’t come from a search warrant there was no “official” Letter of Authenticity from MegaNZ. Meaning, the defense attorney would try to claim the information I received from MegaNZ didn’t actually come from MegaNZ and it was all one big conspiracy to convict his innocent client of heinous charges. The prosecution wouldn’t be able to call anyone from MegaNZ to the stand to testify to the authenticity of the data because they wouldn’t comply with a subpoena to show up in court.
And just like that, my case evaporated. Not because the evidence wasn’t there. Not because I hadn’t painstakingly gathered everything necessary and chatted with this dork for over a year. Because of technicalities. Technicalities built into our criminal justice system that the right amount of money can pay a highly skilled attorney to locate and exploit. Even with Mr. Nature Center showing up to have sex with a 14-year-old girl and the presence of toddler porn on his work cell phone, his charges amounted to nothing but a slap on the wrist.
Welcome to my world and the world your children live in. Throughout my career, I’ve experienced a lot. I’ve led SWAT Operators into disgusting drug houses while carrying a ballistic shield. I’ve responded to scenes of suicidal teenagers, involving trains and decapitated bodies waving at me from the underside of the train engine. I’ve fought men (and the occasional woman), been shot at while trying to conduct follow up interviews on the street and been squared up on in jail housing units. But, the most impactful experiences of my career have come investigating the scourge of pedophilia and the disgusting, morally bankrupt individuals who prey on children.?
My reasoning is simple. Children are the most vulnerable population among humankind. They literally depend on adults for their very sustenance. For their safety. For their ability to communicate well, learn and express themselves. When an adult takes advantage of this vulnerability and commits atrocities against children, it affects not only that child but our entire society. And that damage isn’t gone after the traumatic event is over. That child victim will experience the trauma over and over for the remainder of their lives. Unfortunately, they will also have a higher chance, statistically of repeating the behavior and victimizing a child themselves. The reality of this epidemic is that, by the time I respond, the damage is already done. The protection doesn’t come from me. I simply pick up the pieces and hopefully hold the abuser accountable. And, if I’m lucky, I can go undercover and catch one of these predators before they actually find a real child victim. But the protection has to come on the front end. From you.?
Parents, coaches, teachers, social workers, day care workers, neighbors. We are all responsible for the protection of this vulnerable population. Not in a weird “Your Kids Don’t Belong to You/Joe Biden” kind of way. But in a way that speaks to the common good and morals of our society. One that says we care about the children of this world and will do what it takes to protect their innocence for as long as we can.?
This series is meant to be a compilation of actual cases I’ve personally investigated or have taken a large role in, mixed with the latest in academia regarding child victims and the predators who abuse them. I’m sharing them because I want the information and the reality of this problem to find its way into the hands of the capable and those who have the power to stop it. That being said, this newsletter is also meant to be entertaining. You can’t work in my position, see what I see, and not develop a dark, and often twisted, sense of humor, as well as a jaded and pessimistic view of humanity. It comes with the territory. And, psychologically speaking, it helps deflect some of the emotional trauma that any child crimes detective experiences by coming face to face with atrocity after atrocity. So, thank you in advance for being my free psychologist. I can’t afford a real one.
The interviews I’ve conducted, and the weird, sometimes downright insane circumstances of these cases will make you chuckle while you cringe. Obviously, names and locations have been changed, and some details have been intentionally made vague. These cases could be ongoing (but you’ll never know) and some of these men have not yet been convicted of their crimes (spoiler alert – they will be, though.)
Another note (and potential warning). I’m often told I’m abrasive, somewhat arrogant, and extreme. I see that as being unafraid to share the truth, confident in my mission, and passionate about what I do. Someone who assertively voices their opinion and speaks the truth is oftentimes seen as abrasive and arrogant to those who want to hide behind the status quo of “good enough” and “not my problem.” But regardless, I’ll agree I’m unashamedly politically incorrect. I write the same way. If it offends you that I refer to child molesters as subhuman or I slam the liberal indoctrination of our universities that seem to normalize pedophilia, I’d like to take this time to apologize… To absolutely nobody (insert Connor McGregor meme here). I won’t apologize for putting my foot down and being a bulwark against the perversion in our culture of selfishness. Weak-minded individuals will sit on the sidelines and criticize. That’s fine. If I take a few slings and arrows in the process, so be it.?
This should be a point of zero contention in our society. Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats, should be able to put politics aside and agree pedophilia is a scourge that must be eliminated. This should be the SINGLE most important issue in our culture. A society that cannot protect its children does not deserve to continue existing. If we allow our children to be victimized and we attempt to rationalize a predator’s behavior without holding them accountable, society crumbles.
Unfortunately, such an obvious evil as child rape and sex trafficking rarely, if ever, gets discussed in the media. It’s overshadowed by the latest social justice warrior crying over the oppression Colin Kaepernick must feel after receiving his seven-figure Nike contract or Jussie Smollett’s “moder day lynching” hoax. The sad reality is, there is an undeniable link between university propaganda on sexuality and the propagation of pedophilia acceptance. But don’t read that as me claiming pedophilia is a solely left-wing problem. I can’t count how many individuals I’ve investigated who molest children in their spare time but post Gadsden Flags on their Facebook page, shout “Back the Blue” on Instagram, and tweet “Death to all Pedophiles” with a corny Punisher skull on their X (Twitter?) page.?
In my investigative work, there is no right or left. There is only good versus evil and the evil I hunt absolutely crosses party lines. But fear not. A majority of these stories completely avoid politics and focuses solely on the case studies and the factual basis for why predators behave the way they do and why victims are affected the way they are.
I'll be releasing new stories and articles surrounding the state of America's pedophilia problem, as well as thought pieces on how to fight back against internet monsters and those who want to abuse children, every couple of weeks. So, stay tuned and enjoy the show!
America's Criminologist -
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