Do you rule the day or the day rules you?
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
We are living life day by day and each day brings in challenges as well as new opportunities. I believe that one should rule the day by planning very well what the things we want to achieve on the particular day. I have one major rule that I stick to every single day. I learn at least one new thing. On the extremely rare days I don’t, I feel the day has been wasted. I always seek to expand my knowledge. Knowing that what I learn today may not be the consensus in a years time. Something new may come along which changes my views and beliefs radically.
My opinions can be altered 180 degrees by something I find out. It doesn’t happen often enough these days. Although I do feel very pleased with myself if I type a question into a browser and no autocomplete suggestions appear. I am the first to ask this question. Of course, it also means I usually end up having to dig for ages to find the correct answer.
And when I am out I always speak to someone. If there is time I will engage them in conversation. rather than sticking with a small group of people who have the same beliefs and opinions as myself, I listen to others. Try to look at things from their perspective. Do you know what the weird thing is? Even when I disagree wholeheartedly with someone’s views on a particular topic, I generally find we have more commonalities than differences. Regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, politics or whatever parameters you can think of.
To do the best I can. Whether you have physical, emotional, or no pain at all? Do the best you can. For that day. Don't compare how you did yesterday, last week to today. This is the day you have now. Do the best that you can with this day. You won't get another chance to do this day over. Do the best you can. Always. Try to talk to someone new every day. It does not have to be a long discussion about the meaning of life, a handshake and a greeting is sufficient. It is something so simple yet it can immensely expand your network of friends while also getting you to feel comfortable talking to strangers. Try it out.
It is said that "you can’t catch an old bird with chaff" however these 3 rules which by and large one can live day to day: 1: Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see! 2: You regret the things in life you don’t do more than the things you do do.. so just do it! 3: Never admit to anything that can’t be proven! Whilst I question the integrity of the last quote there’s definitely been times when I “followed” all 3 rules happily.
Be truthful and honest, kind and caring, and helpful to others whenever possible. my integrity is not for sale at any cost. I uphold strong work ethics and maintain the highest standards of professionalism. Only the best will do. My good reputation is my honour. I don't waste time with anyone or anything that does not add to my life intellectually, emotionally or spiritually. Lost moment never returns and I want something of value for my return on investment in life.
Simply said it is easier to follow these rules of life on day to day basis. Mind your own business. Have the guts to tell whether this thing is right or wrong. Don’t keep mum just to please others or avoid hurting others. Right is right no matter what. Invest time/energy/money in yourself before thinking about others. If you are happy, then only you can make others happy. Cheers!