Do you retain or dispose of your documents?
Jacqueline Odhiambo
Supporting SMB Leaders in Paperless Change I Digitize I Secure I Streamline for Maximum Efficiency.
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without” - New England Proverb
“Acquire with the intention to retain, and retain with the intention to grow” -?Lester Wunderman
Should we retain these documents? ??
No, I think we should dispose them
Are you sure?
Hmmm!!? I think they are taking up a lot of space and we rarely use them.
What if we dispose of them and later an executive comes looking for them?
That is something to ponder about
If documents are in use we keep the in the office?
If the documents are no longer in use then they have to be kept away from the office in a safe place or disposed of altogether.
If the documents are digital they occupy no space at all. To learn more:
So why dispose of the documents?
Helps minimize the pile up of unnecessary documents.
Helps free up your workspace for productive work.
Helps keep your information confidential.
How do you go about disposing of your documents?
Create a document disposal schedule
Shred the documents securely and confidentially.
Train your staff on the document disposal process.
Shred the documents and have the paper recycled for reuse.?
To reduce your workload you can always outsource your document disposal process. To learn more:
So why retain the documents?
Because they are still in use in everyday running of the company.
Because the documents are still being referred to on a regular basis.
What determines document retention ?
Is determined by Government regulations and compliance.
Is determined by the information type.
Do we even have a document retention policy in place?
“Do you know if you don’t have a retention policy you are keeping those documents beyond their usefulness period.”
What is a document retention policy?
It defines a document retention schedule.
It brings consistency in the management of the documents.
It defines adherence after approval of documents destruction.
It is a guide on the timeline of documents and how they are managed.
It determines destruction of documents which have reached their retention period.
Why do we even need a document retention policy?
Not to destroy the wrong documents.
Not to lose documents which are still in use.
Not to retain documents which have already by-passed their usefulness.
Document retention schedule? What is this all about?
Helps your company create a systemized structure of archiving documents which can be used for reference in future.
Helps your company create a systemized structure of disposing documents which are not necessary.
Helps reduce storage cost by keeping away documents which are no longer necessary.
Helps organize and minimize document clutter within the work environment.
So is it to dispose or to retain? ??
This process can be closely managed with the company’s legal and audit team.
This would also help in accountability.
This would help speed up work processes.
This would minimize clutter of unnecessary documents which are no longer in use.
This would make your whole document management process much easier. With digital documents it will be even more flawless.
Why not go paperless?
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