Do you remember this commercial?
There was a commercial when I was growing up about Faberge Organics Shampoo where two friends told two friends about it and they told two friends and they told two friends and so on and so on and so on…
The whole concept was that a product becomes popular because it works and friends recommend it.
I don't "sell skincare".... I EMPOWER people. This company is more than selling skincare.
So when I hear "I'm not a salesperson like you.." I want to say, "Wait what? I'm not a salesperson... All I'm doing is sharing what I know" When someone compliments your haircut you SHARE with them where you got it done, who did it, whip out your phone and happily pass along that information, right?
Why do you do that? Because you want people to feel what you feel, that's why! You BELIEVE in that product (your hair stylist) because you KNOW they will get amazing results if they see her, too. And you also know, if they feel better about the way they look, they will feel better about themselves. The same goes with skincare.
So no, you don't need to be a salesperson to do what I do. You just have to share with people and want to help them feel and look their best. Join me!
P.S. Lauren Bell of Orchid Salon…she’s THE best!