Do You Really Want To Be A Millionaire? Could you prove your plan?
Russ Riendeau, PhD
Mayo Clinic Trained/Certified Wellness Coach Working With High Performing Executives To Achieve Goals Around Wellness & Discover Future Options.
By Dr. Russ Riendeau
“Do you want to become a millionaire?”
?No, do you really want to be a millionaire? Or is it a wish, a fantasy, a notion, a dream, a “would be nice…”? Do you have a written plan/goal describing what you will do to attain this level? Or are you merely hoping, wanting, wishing, dreaming, fantasizing about it?
Will 2025 be the year you finally commit to a written game plan and benchmark goals, set up a system of wealth accumulation, enhance your business skills to be more valuable in the marketplace, take charge of your career trajectory, and say no to the activities that take you farther away from this goal?
Did you notice how your visceral reaction to seeing this image of money changed? It is embedded in our brains that the appearance and possession of money changes our chemistry and behavior. Have you ever dove to the sidewalk to snatch a half-eaten Snicker Bar?
This question: Do you want to be a millionaire?" is one I have asked over 55,000 business professionals early in their career over the past 39 years. And, yep, most responses are “Yes, I do want to be a millionaire. And sadly, the response to my next question is: No, I don't have a written plan or goal to achieve it."
?“Why do you want to be a millionaire?” If you don't have a compelling reason that will sustain your efforts, the odds are against you from achieving it sooner.
Ten years ago, a fellow business coach and colleague of mine, Jeannette Seibly wrote an article titled, “Are You A Pre-Millionaire?” This article focused research and perspectives from our roles as executive coaches and search professionals that has now been read by 1000’s of people. It will reveal more ideas on what millionaires do to secure their future.?
This question elicits a wide range of responses as it forces us to define what we expect our lives to be if we become a millionaire.? Psychology research suggests most people struggle to truly define what they desire their world to become if they earned more money or achieved millionaire ranks. It is this inability to define this world that thwarts people from attaining more wealth sooner in their careers.?
“How many millionaires do you know personally?”
?I ask this question of candidates I work with to better understand how they think, what they do with their time, who they associate with, etc. And, as you read this question, you too, may have immediately wondered who you know that is a millionaire. It provokes a person to really think about who they associate with and may encourage them to be more aware of people they surround themselves with.
Note to the reader: Discussing accumulation of wealth can be a sensitive subject, as we know. Not everybody is driven by the desire to attain a higher level of income and wealth and we need to respect this reality. Earning a higher income certainly validates one’s success and value to the marketplace and managing the increases in income can accelerate wealth accumulation as a natural by-product of smart living habits and spending habits. This article’s intention is to offer perspectives towards setting goals to attain millionaire levels of income by becoming better in business skills and goal setting. If this concept is important to you, I urge you to read with an open mind and consider just for a moment other ways you can approach your current situation in life.
?As an executive search professional and coach, now going on my 40th year in the search business, I’m one of the longest tenured headhunters in North America. Yikes! But big deal, right? I just realized my time left on this planet is shorter than I had considered, but that’s another conversation. ?For some context to the reader of this piece is that now, at age 66, as a executive wellness coach and headhunter working with the top 15% of ?sales, marketing and management in the world of business, I now know, conservatively, over 400 millionaires, as well as an additional 50 friends and colleagues whom are also millionaires. It appears the knowledge door swings both ways in that ?the influence of my accumulated knowledge and research, as well as my? clients’ influence on improving my own knowledge around life and business has been fortifying future millionaires for a long time. And there are some ?insightful lessons here for sure.
Sharing this data is not to boast to anyone, but merely to demonstrate how time spent in personal and professional development impacts decisions we make, what actions we take, what we study and who we consciously decide to surround ourselves with ?aligns with? how successful we can become. Being part of this elite segment of the population is humbling for sure and I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from these millionaires to advance my career and my families wealth plans as well. And you can advance your wealth and health goals as well.
Never has there been more opportunity for you as a business professionals to become a millionaire long before you hit retirement age. If you are committed to learning your craft, advancing your skills, setting goals to reach your Financial Independence Day sooner, and willing to put in the smart/hard work, you will become that millionaire you have dreamed about. Setting goals and creating a plan is the most critical step to insure you’re not distracted by short term distractions or instant gratification teasers that will take you off course. Study your goals, commit them to paper and talk to other millionaires to learn how they operate their life to attain wealth, health and quality of life. ?Pursuing wealth is a worthy goal for what it will make of you and what it will provide for your family and your future.
?Russ Riendeau, PhD, is a executive search professional and performance coach, behavioral psychologist and Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach, working with business professionals to create a strategic plan to advance their success in work, wealth development and health in this new world at work.