??Do you really need a migration agent???
??Moving forward to your Australian dream, you can go through general assessment for different visas and your eligibility. For sure it’s better to expand your knowledge having professional opinion and migration advice.
??By the way, by law only registered migration agents can provide you with migration advice!
??This step is optional, but as you know, a second or third independent opinions are helpful. To get feedback from my team, you can complete our express assessment forms and receive expert migration advices completely FREE! Pay attention, the list of assessment forms are constantly updating.
??Tap link to all forms of express assessment of chances ?? https://bit.ly/PVisa_form
?????♀?An alternative of express assessment is a FREE 15mins call with a registered migration agent. Usually, then my clients come for 30 mins consultation to get detailed answers to specific questions or detailed 60 mins advice for developing personal strategy and step-by-step plan for immigration.
??Contact us for expert advice at Yulia Moiseeva & Associates: book a consultation at a convenient time for you link to consultations?? https://yuliamoiseeva-consultation.as.me
??Now it is time for the answer to the main question: Do you really need a migration agent?
??There is no simple answer. My clients are confident that working together with an agent
??Is an integral part of the migration process.
??Agents have deep knowledge and experience.
??They know tricky things cannot be found in official sources or public forums.
??Finally they can give psychological support, solid advice and persuasive plan which will bring you success!
???Meanwhile, bear in mind, that the choice of a migration agent (please do not mix up with an educational agent) is not a very tricky, but also quite difficult process!
??By the way, would you like to know how to choose the right agent for your migration?????