Do you really need a life Coach?

Do you really need a life Coach?

This weekend I had a few friends visiting us over dinner and one of them noticed the posters around the house, one of which read “Every Behavior has a positive intention”, the other “the meaning of communication is the response you get” and other similar ones. This triggered a conversation around NLP and Coaching. While there were laughs and humor involved in the discussions, it led to a particularly important question that was to be answered. During these times of Google and Wikipedia, of Quora and LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, “ DO WE NEED COACHING? “and if yes, “Does IT WORK?”

While one’s self-confidence to “know it all” or “been there done that” attitude is positive. You might find that more individuals around you are getting trained in such skills like NLP and maybe they do have an edge of some sorts at work, business, relationships or just in daily life. Previous Google CEO Eric Schmidt advocates Coaching, saying, “Everybody needs a coach… every famous athlete, every famous performer, has somebody who’s a coach… someone who can help them see themselves as others see them.”

As per this research on happiness and human potential, it states that “people who have a tight network of positive human bonds exhibit greater life-satisfaction and better emotional and physical health.” While each of the important people in your life plays a significant role in your happiness, a life coach can provide unique value by helping to mirror your true self unjudged by the values, thoughts, and views of another person.

So, to answer “The Question of Why do we need Coaching?”  that came up during the weekend discussion and many of you would still have... assuming you have the willingness for an upgrade, here are five ways that a “Coach” can help achieve the "upgraded you" you seek to be in 2019.

1. Find Your Calling

So many people have big dreams and inspiring visions they want to create, but they’re too afraid to go for it, or they don’t believe it can happen.

I’ve been there. Wanting to create something that makes a difference but letting fear get in the way.

Not feeling challenged or engaged in life, just going through the motions, but deep down knowing that there’s something bigger I’m meant to do.. What are the things that light you up? What is most important to you? A long time from today, what will you lament having left behind? If you would want to recognize how you infer significance in your life, you can refer to your calling. And a coach can empower you to come up with your own answers, dreams, and plans to achieve them.

2. Clear your Purpose  

Many people start with a hazy, general idea of what they want to do, many even don’t know at all. That isn’t enough if you want to be truly successful. A coach works together with his clients to create a crystal-clear and, more importantly, specific vision for life.

First, he’ll guide you through exercises meant to unravel the two important aspects of your life you must understand about yourself before crafting your vision and soon you begin to uncover the foundation of your calling at the intersection of this information.

With solid ground in place, you’ll be prepared to answer a specific set of questions that will create the pillars of your vision as well as what it will take to get there. When you dedicate time to charting your needs and wants, particularly with the guidance of a supportive coach, you can see beyond the clutter and gain a clear perspective of where you are and where you’d like to go.

3. Consideration for self  

How often do we reflect upon the various facets of self whether in parts or collectively? Meaning that a person is a network of intertwined role plays — your career, finances, health, family, romantic and social life, etc. — and personal growth is never about a single role of life.. At the point when things go well in one area in your life, this energy spreads to other areas as well. For instance, a secure income, a stable job could lead to a better balance in social and family life. If You are happy at your workplace, you would tend to have a flourishing career. Research shows that having a coach can lead to significant achievements, a progressively healthy lifestyle, and enhanced prosperity for people being coached.

4. Step outside your Comfort Zone

BiG Risks – BiG Rewards is what we all know but when was the last time you stretched your comfort zone. That resolution to exercise daily, the decision to avoid sugary desserts, the intent of saving a minimum amount from the salary for a holiday etc… A coach can help you familiarize with unfamiliar territories by asking you to specify goals for which you wish to be held accountable, and then gently push you to kick it up a notch and take some additional risks. Psychologists agree that calculated risk-taking, along with an ample amount of challenge, are essential ingredients in the recipe for a happy life.


It may be that life is going fine, as planned, and on the surface, nothing seems wrong, but if you find yourselves carrying a nagging feeling that there’s a gap between where you are and where you could potentially be. Life coaching can help you examine some or all domains of your life and go beyond the daily routine of going for groceries, working late, waiting for weekends and encourage some thoughts to pursue your dreams, identify your true potential and take action where its required. And for those individuals who know it all, been there done that, it’s still worth experiencing it first hand,  for the proof of the pudding is in the eating. 


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