Do You Really Need A Chief AI Officer (CAIO)?
Ron Schmelzer
Ron Schmelzer
LinkedIn Top AI Voice | #AI Best Practices | #CPMAI Certified | Champion of innovation in the private and public sector
Every time a new technology comes to the fore, there’s temptation to shift the management team. Read Ronald Schmelzer’s article in Forbes discussing whether or not the “Chief AI Officer” role makes sense:
For many companies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the range of cognitive technologies are strategic to their businesses and organizations. Indeed, for these organizations, AI is as fundamentally important to their long-term well being as their IT operations and finances. In recent decades, we’ve added to the so-called “C-suite” with strategic top-level management positions such as the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and even more recently the Chief Data Officer (CDO). One might think that with AI’s strategic role for organizations, that if you have a CIO in charge of all the information and IT-operation activities in the organization and a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in charge of all the finances for the business, why shouldn’t you have a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) in charge of all the AI-related activities? This might make sense for some companies but most likely, it doesn’t.
Managing Director at Sonoran Capital Advisors
8 个月Ron, thanks for sharing!
faiz ikramulla |> rf engineer |> #science #tech #engineering #arts #mathematiques
4 年"ceo"... chief #engineering?officer is all you/i/we need, to get by...?
Information Technology Executive and Sr. Manager
4 年Great post and insight