Do you produce optimal performance from your manufacturing plants?
Anurag Kulshrestha
President & CEO at ANANTICS | Smart Mobility WG Co-Chair at RAIN RFID Alliance
Most plant managers who answer YES to this question cannot give measurable data or facts to validate their assumed assessment. There is a phrase “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. In industrial manufacturing, measurements may drive OEE, TEEP which involves time, breaks, performance, quality and availability, etc. These data elements are basis for analysis which feed into business intelligence and predictive analytics to judge performance levels in manufacturing plants.
In most of the manufacturing plants except modern ones, the bitter truth is that they even don’t collect the primitive data of cycle time whether a machine was working or idling, as they are decades old plants and factories where this sort of data collection was not a priority.
Anantics is a solution driven company and solves customers’ pains from machine level data collection through advanced predictive analytics on state-of-the-art IoT platforms. We will provide you “Black Box” to seamlessly integrate and read your machine pulses, PLC readings, RTLS to track your objects through RFID, GPS and find its environment data through many sensors, then we will enrich your data through IoT platform and finally assist you in selecting context based statistical functions for making past, present and predictive analytics. We are your technology partner and data scientist, so you can orchestrate your operations to get the optimal performance from your manufacturing plants.
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