Do you predict your future?

Do you predict your future?

Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists once said- “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings”

But they don’t. And that’s why you can study past behaviors of electrons and predict what they will do.

But YOU are a human.

With emotions, millions of neurons and complex thoughts.

I find most overthinkers and some of the smartest and most passionate people I have had the pleasure of talking- Trying to predict the future.

It often goes-

“I know this will happen because______”

“This has happened before that’s why ______”

“I have failed in this before so________”

Your brain tries to find patterns where patterns simply does not exist.

What exists and its terrifying is—autonomy.

The power to choose. The power to choose your problems, pain and troubles.

Last month I had a coaching session with a client who has had 1 problem from a decade now. She has an acute fear of failure.

I have coached her, she knows what to do, she knows exactly what to do but she would still be stuck on it.

So, I simply asked- “When are we moving on to bigger and better problems”?

You see, the time you spend on doubting takes away the time from your passionate, dream projects.

We discuss different and more impactful things now and surprisingly her focus has shifted.

The point being- You cannot predict your success or failure based on your past. You are ever-evolving so you are changing every second.

The only way to find out if you will fail or succeed is to try it.

The only way to come out of this loop of overthinking telling you that you will repeat the same course is to accept a simple fact:

You have complete autonomy over your life. If you fail- you have the autonomy to try again or move on to something else. If you succeed- you have the autonomy to, well celebrate!

What you can do is- Prepare and act.

?What you cannot do (that most people end up doing) is predict.

Why? Because you are not an electron!

?Here is something to ponder over- What if you spent 40% of time you spend now on doubting and being afraid to testing out?

Test your ideas and potential. And if they turn out as HORRENDOUS as they are in your head- well then at least you will have some evidence of these fears.

?This week’s actionable step- Find out some predictions you have been making about yourself that are holding you back from taking on that next goal.


I am doing something exciting this coming month to support you more!

I am hosting a 4-day workshop on “Building Self-Confidence from Scratch”

Date- 1st September- 4th September 2022

Number of seats- Only 10

It will be a guided workshop where you will be answering a series of questions first (a lot like coaching) and then we will discuss strategies on how you can build confidence from foundational level.

What is different? Every attendee will have a 1:1 coaching call with me before the workshop to ensure you have a roadmap for your own specific issues

If you would like to book a seat, fill the form in the comment section :)

Love, Riyanshi

Fentastic ????

Riyanshi Agrawal

Training Aspiring Coaches to become Full time Life Coaches | Helping Professionals become Confident and Anxiety free through Trauma Healing + Coaching | DM “Coaching” if you need help

2 年

Link to book a seat for the workshop


