Do You Only Think It’s About Democracy? It’s Also About Generational Wealth
Good evening, thanks again for reading my posts, and articles, as well as my thoughts, ideas, and warnings, from the way I view the world. The lack of understanding what’s really going on in America, is appalling, yet speechless. ?It’s easier to flip through my past posts, and articles, to see I’m a dead-on spot, even some of my phrases has been repeated on the news, as well as some policies, but I won’t speak on that; instead of partnering up with me they’d rather free info.
?The (Reeps meaning Republicans), found out a way to enrich their self’s by running for office. It’s the same plan that has always been ran by supremacist, and people of power. If you don’t understand what I mean then you haven’t been reading my post, it was always to show supremacy, fear, by these tactics they could steal, kill, while they enrich their selves of the wealth from whomever is the target. At the beginning it was people of color, in which is still happening today, and in other countries, in which is also happening today, enough for about four generations of wealth. Now that was just from people of color, now they want to do it to everyone no matter the consequences just like before they have people in those government positions same as before quid pro quo.
The greed is real, even if it’s destroying other people’s lives, look at the catholic churches now most of them are reverting back to the old 18 and 19 century ways. Who are they praying to? ?What are they asking for? The poor people are simple, they just want their privileges, and guns simple, make them feel special and they can get the little money out of them also. This is about democracy but most of all it’s about greed, when the last president was in office, he gave all companies the right to steal, and they did that very well as you can do you own research on how much companies benefited in those years you can say it was more like a sweat shop according to the margin of the company’s profit.
So the people that are running for today’s offices, only see one thing; greed, money, there is no plan for the people are for the country to progress. The only progression is for them filling their pockets, and if you’re not a believer yet; continue to read as I will explain. Colin Kaepernick, with the hands thumbing the scale from top government officials and other people of power, have ruin one man’s career.
Who’s in trouble if Dems don’t retain the house, Sports, Large Corporations, Tech Companies, Common Sense Laws, The Public For Sure, women, what’s the motivation? Greed, jealousy, if you don’t fit their agenda, they want a hand in everything that’s going on. Public officials are living and moving like drug dealers, meaning they’re only living for today, they’re not worrying about the future they will worry about that tomorrow, legal battles are avoided by their elected officials.
They use taxpayers’ money to file false claims, to stop these foolish insults to the minds of citizens with sense, all government officials filing false claims, should be fined, and those false non-sense claims should be charged from their personal account and not the taxpayers, everyone needs a code of ethics, there shall be no job that doesn’t require a code of ethics, as I stated before. We’re all human and we all make mistakes, but it also comes with accountability, as a supreme judge how can you charge a person with a crime and you’re doing the same crime and cannot be charged because of what you feel there is no higher authority then you, ridicules.
Imagine this; In sports the league agrees it’s ok to cheat, and the changing of the scores start appearing and teams that haven’t abided to the system will be sued if they don’ comply to the laws of the land even though the laws of the land or one sided, or a better senecio, what if the extreme women are ?in power and decide, since the woman was the first experiment to have the government make choices on their bodies let’s also use the government for the men as well, and decide when you can have an erection or should you be castrated, funny right but not as much when men?want to decide on and how a woman should treat their body.
Moving alone to voter fraud, as I stated before government officials like to make false claims, which should come out of their own pockets if referring to lawsuits, as a Visionary Idealist, I’ve sent in many government proposals, with easy protection and a solution to prevent Voter Fraud, and also solutions to stop School and Disgruntle Employer Shooting. ?Now with the election going on which doesn’t seem to be in the right favor America may lose the opportunity to do so.
All they sent were regular letters stating that the government of interior, should be a part of this when all they did was asking for information of the idea without compensation, investing or a partnership. Nothing is for free, nor the air we breathe which should be or even our freedom, everything has a price, and money isn’t the only way to pay, many people have lost their lives and still losing it. America can be so strong and advance only if it comes together and recognize in equality to its people, and in its nation, that everyone is equal and treat it as such only than America can sit back and watch its country grow, but it will never happen because of the greed that’s built within the country as in other countries. Remember it’s not and experiment they mint to do this. ????