Do you need perfect English or advanced vocabulary in Australia?
Natalie Peart
Career Education | Founder - Jobspeak Academy | Empowering skilled migrants to rebuild careers in Australia | Career Counsellor + Communication Trainer | Program Development + Curriculum Design
Over the past 10 years I have taught hundreds of international students to improve their English skills to speak more fluently and accurately and feel more confident when they speak in English.
I don’t tell you this to brag. I tell you this because I want you to know:
It’s absolutely something you can have if you want it. If this is something you are craving, it’s within your grasp. And you don’t have to go it alone to achieve this.
Today, I am sharing the top three things I truly believe helps to make becoming a confident English speaker possible.
So let’s dive in...
Stop focusing on grammar, grammar, grammar!
I might sound like a crazy English teacher, but the truth is, I am not an English teacher anymore and this is out of choice, and I will tell you why. When I was an English teacher grammar was EVERYTHING and teachers and students would work to reach the elusive 'perfect and accurate grammar' - but do you know what?
It doesn't exist. I know people who are C1 or C2 level and they still make grammatical mistakes, and who cares? In the real world of work and life, people don't mind if you use the wrong preposition or use the past simple instead of the past perfect, they care that they can understand you!
And so now, I work in the real-world of English communication where I focus on being understood and speaking articulately and confidently and mistakes do not matter.
Vocabulary lists are pointless!
Sorry, but you know the vocabulary lists that you learn from the textbook or blogs that you write down and forget about? Well, they are pointless. You need to use new language in order for your brain to remember it. So, stop writing down 10 words and start to make an effort to use the phrasal verb a bunch of times so that you can engage with it and use it more.
The point isn't to be perfect, it is to be understood!
The English language industry is all about perfection, you need to get a 7.5 in IELTS but then you also need to improve your vocabulary and then you need to join a speaking class to improve your fluency.... There is always something more that you need to improve to be perfect, and do you know what?
Language learning is an industry - they are always going to sell you something else and so when you stop studying formal English you need to change your mindset from 'learning more English' to improve your English and think about WHY you need more English skills.
Learning English is only part of your goal and it is usually to get somewhere else (a better job? travel?) FOCUS ON THAT, and if you aren't perfect, THAT IS OK!!
And, what do you need to do then?
1. Identify your goal about WHY you want to improve your English and aim for that.
2. Change your mindset and understand that mistakes are OK.
3. It is fine to have an accent in Australia, but the way you communicate might need some up-skilling.
3. Learn what is holding you back - fear? Nerves? Get support for this.
4. Understand the difference between communication skills and English - you probably need to improve your communication skills for work
5. Find a support network and English community so you are not alone.
6. Change the terminology from saying 'I need to practice my english' to 'I need to use my English' - you are in the real-world Australia and you are USING English.
And if you want support with all the above and more? Here is how I can help you,
My Getting Started with Professional English course in Australia is the essentials to professional English principles, Australian communication style and language. Get it here for $49.99 -
Interview Language Booster is for those struggling with interview English and focuses on the essential grammar and vocabulary for interviews in Australia - Grab it here for $89 -
The LIVE Communicate with Confidence Workshop still has some spaces left, it is EXACTLY what you need to understand Australian workplace communication and culture and learn strategies to speak more articulately, confidently and assertively at work. Sign up here -