Do You Need A Nap, Too?
Lisa Bobyak
Life Design & Business Strategy | Preventing Burnout in Female Founders, Owners & Financial Advisors
I used to think I had an eating problem.
Mindlessly eating when I was tired.
Pouring a pack of crackers in my mouth, (or the like), while I continued about my busy life.
Running on empty.
Not having the time to stop and rest.
“Naps are for princesses.”, I would say to myself.
“I’m no princess. I’m a go-getter… and I have A LOT to do!”
Now, on the other side, I know that I didn’t have a food problem.
What I actually had was a sleep problem. (palm to face)
I can only imagine how many nasty thoughts and calories I could have saved if I had only taken a nap and eaten more protein.
So, this begs the question.
Where in your life are you fanning the wrong flame? (We all do it from time to time. Don’t beat yourself up, cutie!)
Could you inadvertently be creating a problem for yourself, because you haven’t taken the time to figure out the real issue?
This is what we'll do at during your private, Mid Year Pause Intensive.
SO THAT you can continue to rock that awesome life of yours.
No more wasting time on the wrong things.
No more climbing the wrong mountain.
You’ll come to this private, 90 minute, customized coaching session, with whatever you’ve got… your full calendar, your busy days, and all of your dreams…
And you’ll leave having your last half of the year not only planned, but scheduled.
The best part about this?
I promise… you’ll leave feeling content knowing that you’ve created the time and space for not only all of the to-do’s of life… But for the foundational things that make YOU FEEL YOUR BEST.
More sleep? More movement? More reading? More fun? Dare I say more naps and cheeseburgers?
If that’s what gets you back to your best self, then, YES! Bring on the cheeseburgers and naps!
The Mid Year Pause Intensive is only available through July.
Now through the end of July only, I’m offering you a private, Mid Year Pause Intensive, temporarily specially priced at $175.00.?
You’ll leave your Mid Year Pause Intensive with:
Let’s take 90 minutes together, and make the rest of your year fun and productive.
Here’s to you and that awesome life of yours!!!