Do you need an MRI? No not THAT sort! Read on ...
Nikki Robinson
Multi-award winning specialist Myofascial Release Physiotherapist, author and Entrepreneur
Do you need an MRI???No not THAT sort!?Read on ...
Is the spring missing from your step?
How loud is your body shouting to be heard over the noise and hustle and bustle of daily life? Make time in March to spend a few minutes slowing down and taking notice of what your body is trying to tell you.
It’s time for an MRI – a Myofascial Release Inspection!
It’s quick, it’s easy, you can do it anywhere and best of all it’s free!
How do I do it?
Find a comfortable position and relax your body. Start at the tips of your toes and slowly work upwards. Imagine a mini you wandering around checking out each part of your body. Don’t forget to notice your muscles, your joints, your nerves, your skin and any sensations along the way. These might be pain, tenderness, tightness, tension, anything at all. Write it down if you want.
For example : Notice how your feet feel. Do they feel loose or are there tight areas? Is there any pain? What happens when you wiggle your toes? Do both feet feel the same? If not what’s different? What sensations can you feel? Do your joints feel loose? Is there any clicking or grinding as you move? Does one side feel stronger than the other? Do you have awareness that one side of your body is compensating for the other? What do you feel when you stretch and tense or tighten your muscles?
Work from your feet and do the same all the way up your body. Be mindful not skip bits; give every part of your body the attention it deserves. Remember your face, it has over 40 muscles that work extremely hard!
Once you have finished review your findings and don’t forget we’re here if you want to have a chat about anything you notice.