Do you need a last-minute CAT preparation strategy?
Considering that your nerves and exam stress get to you the most at the last minute, it only makes sense to have a foolproof last-minute preparation strategy for CAT.
Having such a strategy is integral for acing one of the most difficult competitive exams for higher education in management. The 10 days before the exam are considered critical for taking the appropriate actions for CAT preparation.?
There are a few steps you can take to make the most of your last-minute CAT preparation.
First and foremost, avoid studying new topics at the last minute at all costs. At such a critical time, learning a completely new topic will lead to confusion. Furthermore, learning a new topic also reduces the level of comprehension and makes it difficult to remember previously learned topics. It’d be in your best interest to not do that.?
Review previously prepared notes every day. undertake last-minute CAT preparation with sticky notes. Avoid touching the books used during the initial phase of preparation. Not only will it help you cover topics quickly, but it’ll also help jog your memory and improve your recall.
Don’t stop taking those mock tests! The last few days of preparation do not all for a lax attitude. Keep taking mock tests regularly to train your mind to perform well under pressure.?
When in doubt, always go for quality over quantity. Avoid answering questions that you are unsure of at the beginning of the exam. Start with questions that you can answer easily without spending much time. Not only will this help you allocate sufficient time for the difficult questions, but it’ll also improve your confidence which will help you tackle the difficult questions in the end.
So, not only do you need a last-minute CAT preparation strategy, you need a strong one that gives you the best bet to ace CAT. Figure it out in advance so that you don’t stress out in the end and you can prepare for the final exam to the best of your abilities!