Do You Need A Job Or Does A Job Need You?

Do You Need A Job Or Does A Job Need You?

You don't need a job 
 until you are prepared... 
then you need us!

We have a philosophy around here; "Instead of you looking for a job, we'll have the job look for you."

NOTES:  Those of you reading this who are not looking for a job, career or contracts, that's OK too.  This message is for you as well!   Veterans - Come as you are and drop the notion that you need to transition from the Military.  Any transitions that you make will be up to you and not the decision of others!

The best part about being a business owner is that I can pretty much hire whomever I please.  By the end of this article, I will explain in great detail how to get a job through and/or with us immediately and most importantly, how to advance from an entry-level position to a place where you've always dreamed you would end up.  I know this may sound like a dream come true, but in many ways it is! 

So let's get down to the nuts and bolts of the matters at hand: 

1. You need a job 
2. You've got a resume 
3. You are pressed for time 
4. No one has called you back or in for an interview
5. You are now desperate for an opportunity

  Does that just about sum things up?
We've all been there!

If you fall in one or a few of the above categories, we may have a solution for you! However, it will require some characteristics, methodologies and principle modifications on your part in order to place you on a productive work track and keep you there.  I must get a hundred resumes a day and over 200 to 300 emails every single time I start my day from people looking for work.  This saddens me, because in spite of all of the desires and aspirations spelled out in your communications, I CAN actually help each and every last one of you but you…but you are going about it the wrong way! I am in the Top 1% of LinkedIn, with over 40,000 connections and followers.  I have written the same things over and over again for years now, yet I continue to receive the same request, "Can you help me get a job?" 

My patented response is "Yes", "Yes" and "Yes" again. 

I have written this article for two main reasons:  First, I want to sell you something that will greatly benefit you, and secondly, I want you to use it exclusively for yourself.  You'll have to keep in mind that when I started this article, I told you that you would have to modify some behavioral principles and characteristics.  Please remember not to forget this as you read further.  Because asking for something, like a job, without investing a small amount of time, effort and money in YOURSELF is like asking for a university degree without ever having attended class. 

I will do my best to demonstrate and articulate to you how you can earn a position within one of our companies, other member companies or for yourself as an entrepreneur.  If that sounds like a plan, keep on reading!  I hope I have your undivided attention now!   

What most of you do not get is that if I stopped every single time someone asked me the mantra of this article, I would spend 24 hours, 7 days a week doing nothing but answering your queries and trying to change your mindset and philosophy about how to proceed with getting your career back on track. I am too busy for that micro managed effort, and if I weren't as busy as I am, I wouldn't endeavor to do it anyway.  It would be a waste of time and effort.  There's always a better way!

Because asking for something, like a job, without investing a small amount of time, effort and money in YOURSELF is like asking for a university degree without ever having attended class.

First of all, let me tell you what we've done at the Critical Mobilization Group? (CMG), alongside many other professionals who are much better at what they do than I am of what they do, to make your search and eventual capture of your next job, executive placement, contract or joint venture a logical and believable process with attainable results:

First and principally, we've created a patented and trademark method to identify yourself to the world. We make the job, career or opportunity look for you instead of you looking for it.  This platform is our proprietary Crowd Contracting? located in the "MEMBERS ONLY" area of our website.  If you look at Crowd Contracting? as the heart of all things CMG, then you will be on the right track.  The most basic function of our platform is our ability to marry your skills, experience and prospects to every known or globally published skill identifier in existence.  That's right!  We have mapped the "Employment Genome" so to speak.  We took a great deal of time, money and effort to make this platform a reality.  Why did we do this you ask?  One day I was feeling exactly like now, being bombarded with job requests of which I could do nothing. I then asked myself if there were a way I could answer all of those job queries without spending my time and efforts to perform this task? I would rather the applicant use their energy instead. Then it hit me, "Crowd Contacting?", and the rest is history.

What is Crowd Contracting??

Basically, we store all of your historical and current information, facts, availability, skills, contextual relationships and narratives into our database, and then painstakingly—via an advanced software we've created and proprietarily own—marry your profile with every major employment system on the planet.  We then catalog your primary, secondary and overall skill sets in to an interpretable interface with the global workplace.  With time, for a few of you reading this, that statement will someday sink in.  And for the rest of you, hang in there because I am just getting warmed up. 

I am tired of people asking me for a job when I have been waving the "We're Hiring Flag" for years in front of their faces!

Crowd Contracting? is the acquisition of global and domestic governmental, private and individual contracted opportunities. We marry our well-qualified and vetted global membership to those opportunities, in those languages and in those places germane to the opportunity at hand.  It's that simple!  Even though it took years to develop and we've done some pretty complicated logarithms, what we were left with was a pretty awesome platform.

We've even made it profitable for the average person to join.  It may not seem that lucrative of an opportunity to you while reading this article but give it a minute to sink in and you will end up selling yourself on what we have to offer.

At the end of the day, the only person you have to blame or credit for who you are is the man or woman in the mirror looking back at you in the face! If you have been following this article, you should already have noticed that this is a sales pitch.  But it's the kind of pitch that sells you yourself and not someone selling you a crock of bull.  I am all about helping my fellow man/woman help themselves. Therefore, EVERY tool and/or application we've developed embodies that "Teach a person to fish" parable.  Once you learn to fish in our lake we will help you prepare yourselves for the oceans.      

Crowd Contracting? is only the beginning.  As an entrepreneur, my vision was to simply "Entrepreneurialize" our entire global presence.  We established 4 major global associations with distinct and overlapping missions which just about covers every worthwhile thing happening on this great planet of ours to just that end. 

We have:

Wartime Professionals International Association?  They are the active duty and veterans of the world’s militaries, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the engineers and construction professionals who rebuild nations, and a great many more.

Peacetime Professionals International Association?  They are the active duty as well as the veterans of the world’s diplomatic corps, militaries and all those in the international relations and international development arena that work to make things happen between sovereign states, who foster peace, societal stability, and economic viability, and work to improve the lives of people around the world.

Disaster Recovery Professionals International Association?  They are the world’s first responders, the first on the scene when disaster strikes, whether natural or manmade. They mount rescue and recovery efforts, provide temporary shelter, and manage the logistics and security to provide the necessary food, water, medical supplies, staffing, and infrastructure to restore a sense of normalcy.

Commerce & Development Professionals International Association? They are the movers and shakers of international commerce, as well as proven catalysts for the development of large international projects designed to foster trade, economic development, and human development.  By the way, you will not be able to join this association without being selected by management to gain acceptance.  This is an exclusive association comprised of the elite of the other associations. 

All of our associations are headed up by some of the most comprehensive and well regarded professionals on the planet.  For instance, the Honorable US Ambassador Charles Ray currently heads up Peacetime Professionals? and although their mission is daunting at best, they are just the right people to carry out their brand of peacetime professionalism and the vast efforts needed in this progressively devolving world.

Companies, countries and private individuals pluck their "A la carte" selections for work, consulting, contracts, sub-contracting and joint ventures from our International Associations via our Crowd Contracting? platform.

This is a MEMBERS ONLY club. 

No outsiders!  Period!  If you are not a full and up-to-date "Paying" member of one of our international associations, you will be summarily excluded from all things Critical Mobilization?.  Right now, we have members from all walks of life and disciplines from over 86 countries around the world (and counting), many of them in which I have personally and professionally visited, lived and worked.  We are currently setting up Country Management and decentralized membership efforts around the globe. We are the only eclectic body of professionals on the planet, within associations, comprised of some of the most highly regarded professionals within their respective fields. 

Let's take a look at our proprietary Contract Mentor? program for example.  This is exciting in and of itself.  As we've grown so fast, we've quickly learned that borne from our Crowd Contracting? platform are many utilizations and opportunities that can easily be superimposed over our Global Membership.  Our Contract Mentor? platform is 10 years in the making and its proprietary name and software will soon tell the tale.  This platform will be in full swing by summer 2016.  Let your imagination run wild about this viable, productive and extremely profitable business and personal model for achieving your life’s goals and business objectives.  More to come on Contract Mentoring? in subsequent articles.  You will  not want to miss this one.

Our proprietary program for joining members beats the cake!  Our Join Dollar Program? will pay active members $1 per person per month for the life of their active memberships.  Did you read this correctly?  Yes you did!  CMG will pay you $1 US Dollar for each contact you bring into any or all of our associations on a monthly basis for the life of your membership.  Some of you out there are sitting on thousands of dead profile connections, colleagues, old email contacts and friends who can be easily uploaded on to our Crowd Contracting? platform, via the Contacts module, and "Voila!" each time your contact converts to a member, $1 is credited to your account every single month, and if the converted contact wishes to pay an entire year in advance, we will apply a one-time $12 payment for the entire year to the Member's  account from which the contact came.  Once the contact is in our database, that email address will be barred from being uploaded by any other Member for 30 days.  If by the end of 30 days that contact has not converted, that contact is up for grabs as a free agent.  This keeps the environment competitive and alive. There are many other advantages that come with your membership as well, you will learn more once you become a Paying Member!  I am all about teaching you to fish.  As I write this article, a Member is currently uploading over 30,000 Contacts in to our system.  Imagine if only 10% convert to paid Memberships.  That's an additional $3,000 US in your account monthly; NO questions asked or strings attached. We only require that both entities possess current Paid Memberships.  Nothing more!

I guess it's the Entrepreneurialism in me but I'd rather put the $3,000 or more per month in to your pocket than in to some Membership Development company's pocket. 

For you serious Recruiters and HR Experts, we have just the platform for your industry professionals:  Our "Master Recruiter Business Developer?" (MRBD) program.  Allow me to make this statement now!  We are only issuing 250 licenses worldwide on a first come / first served basis.    NO EXCEPTIONS!  The licenses are 100% FREE!  But you will have to jump through a hoop or two to get the license. 

Most recruiters and HR Professionals place but a fraction of 1% of their database every year with an over 99% attrition rate.  Not GOOD!  NO Problem!  Upload your dead files and market to our Global Crowd Contracting? Platform and put those dead files to work.  Imagine the 100 or 200 thousand resumes collected over the years sitting around gathering dust!  Not anymore!  Every time our Crowd Contracting? platform renders one of your uploaded contacts "Gainfully Employed" the MRBD? will passively receive a pre-negotiated small percentage of the daily rate of the contracted member on a daily basis.  Yes I said it, ON A DAILY BASIS! 

By the way, throughout all of our companies, we own over 1600 URLs worldwide and in just about every country. 

Many of these URLs are under development while the others will simply be put to use in the future, but more than likely they will simply re-direct to one of our more prominent websites.

Look for all of these websites in the future to come online as separate corporate entities all derived for our Crowd Contracting? Platform:

These are just to name a few of the URLs we are spinning off from our main site before the end of the year.  By the way, before any of you out there get the bright idea of getting similar domains to compete with us; don't bother.  We already did!

Two things:

First, we will be launching a new MAIN website using the latest and most robust, fastest and secure coding known to man and all of our Platforms will perform in hyper speed and integrated with Artificial Intelligence platforms.  We should see its emergence by this fall.  Also, we will replace the URL with  Currently, you will be redirected to if you type

This is who we are: We are Criticalists? 

Second, most of the URLs we launch will work dependent of Crowd Contracting? but independently as its own entity in the future.  More to come about this paradigm in subsequent articles.

Are we serious about our business?
I ask the reader!
Hell Yes!

I could write for another 200 or 300 pages about the services and products we offer our Paid Membership but I think by now you get the point!  We are dead serious about helping you to become inclusive with a Global Community comprised of every known discipline and profession.  From our proposed opening of the Critical Mobilization Institute? (CMI?), headed up by Dr. Reza Yeganehshakib to our acquisition of our own Membership oriented Bank, Critical Mobilization Bank? (CMB?) which we are currently exploring ownership options. 

These and many other products and services are at your disposal right now for only $9.95 per month Membership to one of our associations.  Nothing more!  As they say in the best sales pitches:

All this for $9.95 a month!

Remember those characteristics and principles I talked about in the beginning of this article?  This is when you apply them here!  First, stop thinking that you should get something for nothing.  Second, instead of spending $10 or more on a pack a cigarettes or some chips and a beer invest it in your own future.  Third, come with your "A" Game.  Everyone else will.  And last but not least, know that everything we do as a company, Membership culture and as professionals revolves around you and your success, your inclusion and your benefit!!! 

We are not a Non Profit so don't expect us to GIVE you anything.  However, if you take advantage, we will PROVIDE you everything we think you will need to go to work and stay there!  

And much, much more... When I, someday SOON, publish the story behind CMG and its core existence you will want to read every single word of it and you may wish to re-read this article again as membership has its DEFINITE ADVANTAGES!

Take a chance and invest in yourself instead of a pack of cigarettes or a coffee and a doughnut.  What we offer far outweighs the cost of MEMBERSHIP.  After you become familiar with our global platform you will thank yourselves for listening to that man or woman in the mirror when it most counted.  Become a Member Now before someone else uploads your intended contacts or all of the good CMG career placements are gone.  That's right!  We EXCLUSIVELY use our Crowd Contracting? Platform for our own hires, contractors and placements just like everyone else. 

  I know to some of you this may sound like a dream come true and in many ways it is! Get used to it, sign up and join us today!

Michael Gibson 
Critical Mobilization Group?
Global Managing Director (CMG)
First Responders To The World?
Genesys Power Corporation                                                                           
Chief Executive Officer (GPC) 
We Bring Light to the Darkness?

200 East Campus View Blvd., Suite 200
Columbus, OH, USA 43235
Office:  +1 614.985.3639

Crowd Contracting? and Other Trademarks and Patents Mentioned Herein Are Registered Trademarks of the Critical Mobilization Group (Wartime Professionals LLC) and Other Related Companies




8 年



人力资源副总裁 / 高绩效团队的X模型 / 激励公式 / 博客作者 / LinkedIn Power Profiles 2017 & 2018

8 年



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