Do you need a high bond adhesive for tricky to stick surfaces?
Cadillac Plastic
Cadillac Plastic is a leading supplier of high performance plastic films and filmic adhesives.
Cadillac Plastic Ltd Featured Product: 3M 300LSE - For Low Surface Energy Applications
Why choose us?
Cadillac Plastic has been working closely with 3M for many years and we are proud to be a preferred 3M convertor and distributor. Cadillac Plastic has over four decades of experience in the plastic films and adhesives industry, making us an authority in the field. We convert custom size sheets and rolls at no additional cost and have a growing number of loyal, satisfied customers.
Why choose 3M? High-Strength Acrylic Adhesive 300LSE?
Some substrates are much harder to stick together than others and this is a product that provides a solution to these tricky low surface energy materials. An added advantage of 3M 300LSE is the ability to bond surfaces that are both flat and curved, without lifting. The acrylic adhesive also provides excellent adhesion to surfaces contaminated lightly with oil typically used with machine parts.
Use the 3M Product Selection Guide to choose the best adhesive for your substrate.
Application: For maximum bond strength, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Typical cleaning solvents are heptane or isopropyl alcohol. Carefully read and follow manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use when using cleaning solvents.
Data sheets are available on the website or can be sent out on request. Visit to view the whole 3M range that we stock. To place an order or to request a sample email [email protected] or click (link here). To speak to a member of our experienced team call 01793 648500.