Do you need to get out of your own way?
Darleen Barton Dr
Principal & Founder Dr (hc) @ DIPAC Est 2009 Private Practice | Counselling Therapist | Accredited Mediator| Conflict Resolution |Life Business Executive Coaching People Development
To move towards a peak performance life, you will need to get out of your own way. Here are some low-cost ideas to reduce anxiety, build resilience & understand your training.?
?□ Monitor your self-talk – catch yourself putting yourself down e.g., ‘I am so stupid’. No, you are not stupid, what you did wasn’t the best option, but you are not stupid.
□ Become an active listener. Listen to other people’s language when they are describing themselves and the mistakes they make.
□ Realise it’s okay to make a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up. Acknowledge the mistake, consider what may have prevented it and move on. It’s OK, success comes out of making mistakes.?
□ At the end of each day, ask yourself, '‘What was the highlight of my day – no matter how small’'. Catch yourself doing something right.
?□ When faced with doing something for the first time, ask yourself '‘What is the worst thing that can happen? Can I cope with that’? If you can’t cope, then maybe reconsider your decision.
If it is something that you must do then create action steps to take you through the situation. The primary use of the brain is to keep you safe. Each time you attempt something new your brain will remember and may prompt you about the last time you failed. This prevents some people from trying again and again in life.?''How many chances do you give a baby to walk before you say, OK, that’s enough crawl for the rest of your life?'' Everyone would give a baby as many chances as they need for them to achieve their first steps. You are no different! Give yourself all the chances you need to succeed!
□ Ask for help before you need it. If you feel something is creating unnecessary pressure for you, ask for help from your peers or friends.
?If they are not in a situation to help you, seek help from an expert e.g. excess alcohol consumption or drug usage. If you are determined to achieve peak performance, you will have to deal with these self-defeating habits and who better to advise you than a medical doctor initially, who can assess your problem and advise the next step for you.
Often anxiety is a by-product of overindulging – so it’s best to avoid those triggers at all costs. Sometimes people think having a few drinks; will give them ‘Dutch courage’. However, long term they can definitely increase anxious thoughts.
□ Research where you can go to get help for this situation. If it is a medical condition, is there a specialist for this condition? If it is something like speaking in front of people (something that many people fear), consider joining Toastmasters International and gain public speaking skills.
□ Introduce meditation as a daily habit. Meditation is a great stress and anxiety reducer and very beneficial for nervous and anxious people.??Beautiful Relaxing Music ? Peaceful Piano Music & Guitar Music | Sunny Mornings by Peder B. Helland - YouTube
?□ Volunteer your services to a local community group or charity. There really is no better feeling than helping another person in need, and you are using your transferable skills in a productive way.
□ Treat yourself as if you already are who you need to BE. Picture yourself as a positive, confident person and act as if!
□ Avoid thoughts that weaken your confidence. Practice makes perfect – the more you do this, the better you get.???"It's Time To Change NOW!" - Mel Robbins (@melrobbins) Top 10 Rules - Bing video
□ Identify how you deal with your emotions and what your triggers are.
□ Make a decision “this year is a year of opportunity!”
□ Train your brain to remember the great times, the times when you felt at your peak! This will become your minds natural default after much practice.
?□ Refrain from building a story to support your excuses.
□ Create a level of thinking that solves problems.
Become solution focused and watch your whole world change.
□ How many times when you are presented with adversity, do you press the ENTER button in your brain, instead of pressing the DELETE button?
□ Resist basing your actions on immeasurable assumptions. Very few people go through life without experiencing some form of anxiety in a twenty-four-hour period. However, your aim as you move closer to living a peak performance life is to consciously reduce the number of times you become anxious in any one day. Be sure to acknowledge your successes along the anxiety reduction path.
An inflexible mind will not find solutions!
Stay safe & be kind to yourself?NB: All appointments are via ZOOM in the ACT?
O/S and other states are ZOOM as usual- ALL bookings are via the website?
Kindest Regards
Darleen Barton | Amazon NO 1 Best Selling Author
Address Servcorp offices-?Level 1 The Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600
Mediator?Nationally Accredited | NMAS | AIFLAM | AMA
Counsellor/ Therapist?/ Positive Psychology- Nationally Accredited |ACA|IICT
Executive coach?Nationally Accredited |ICF
If at any time you, a family member or friend feels overwhelmed to the point they feel they need help call immediately?000 OR 131114
There is always a way through your current thoughts.