Do You Need a Doctor?
LinkedIn suggested I follow Ryan Reynolds. As if I didn't know he was on this site. Meanwhile, on Facebook, I was recommended to connect with Julius Erving. Of someone who farmed a picture, mentioning he went to The University of Massachusetts.
Um, I knew that. Considering there are no mutual connections- for a time I was connected with Grant Hill. The one who threw the pass to Christian Laettner breaking the hearts of Kentucky fans.
He attended South Lakes High School in Reston and still visits the area. He was even connected to another Duke basketball player who wore #33. That number has been retired. I never met Grant Hill although it was nice being connected until he closed his account.
If I had the chance to meet Julius Erving; a connection from the Tidewater area of Virginia met this Hall of Famer and mentioned he saw Dr. J play for the Virginia Squires of the American Basketball Association. He does not have many opportunities to talk about that part of his career so he had a good conversation about the area, the people he worked with and that era.
Julius Erving has always been one of the most gracious players to be interviewed. Journalists could always depend on him for a good quote. He has had a lot of success in his post basketball career.
He is an ambassador to the sport. I would not hesitate to meet him. Would the actual Julius Erving have no mutual connections and very few connections? Probably not. Here is the sign it is not him.
The only information on his account states he was married in 2022. The actual Julius Erving was most recently married in 2008. It does not take much research to prove this account is not run by who they claim.
So why make it a Facebook suggestion? Why should I connect with an imaginary Doctor J? No reason. Not every account needs to be verified. Submitting your Government ID can open another can of worms.
Another story, another article. Chances are you could meet Julius Erving at an NBA game, in a restaurant by chance or in Atlanta. That will lead to a story you can tell for years to come. Don't sign up to connect with someone who has to claim to be someone recognizable. If they lie about who they are, what kind of relationship will you have? Nothing real.