Do you need a confidence boost?
Marion Nixon
I help ambitious business women ditch the doubt and emotional baggage that sabotage achievement and build deep inner confidence so they can achieve their goals with impact - without feeling like an imposter.
What do you do when you need a boost of confidence?
Something I have found useful is to write down everything you have done in your work (all you jobs!) and at home. No matter how small or trivial the actions, list them all. It’s quite startling to realise how many things you can do.
Highlight the things you’re good at, and add the things that others say you’re good at, or always ask you to do because they know you’re good at those things. Don’t discount anything that feels easy to you – that’s often a sign that that’s a strong skill!
Read client testimonials, particularly recent ones, to remind yourself that others think you’re great! Testimonials are also a great source of information on what you are good at.
Is your inner voice putting you down? Have a chat with it about why it says things that undermine your confidence and teach it the encouraging things you’d like it to say to you instead. Download my ebook Turn Your Inner Critic into a Supportive Fan for instructions on how to do this.
If you’re nervous about doing something new, look at your existing skills and see which ones will help you in the new project. Many skills are transferrable from one context to another and you may well be surprised at how well prepared you are for the new project.
Need some help?? Give me a call (no obligations!)
If your inner voice is putting you down and undermining your confidence, Turn your Inner Critic into a Supportive Voice. Take back control of your confidence with this easy technique and build calm self-assurance!
The importance of mindset is huge because what you think is what you become and achieve. Having transformed my life by transforming my perception of myself and what I can achieve, including becoming comfortable on video, I understand this profoundly.
That's why I'm excited to offer a free 30 minute online consultation to my subscribers. Whether you're struggling with a particular challenge or want to take your business to the next level by increasing your visibility, this consultation is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance.
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To schedule your session, please click on the banner below. You will be redirected to my online calendar where you can book a date and time that suits you. I'm looking forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goal.
About Marion Nixon
I inspire introvert women entrepreneurs who want more visibility and know doing videos will attract and engage more clients, to ditch self-doubt and anxiety, light their inner fire, and become as comfortable on video as chatting to a friend over coffee.
My life-long desire to enable women to live their dreams has led me on a journey of self-discovery, overcoming self-doubt and a host of limiting beliefs resulting from Childhood Emotional Neglect. To my own experience and training in personal transformation work I have added the knowledge and wisdom of twenty plus years in complementary health. This has given me a deep understanding of how you can use your body and mind to create and live Your life Your way.
Contact me when you're ready to ditch doubt and turn up the heat of your inner fire!
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