Do you need a coach? Try this checklist

Do you need a coach? Try this checklist

You might be wondering if you could benefit from coaching, if you are coachable or if you even need a coach! To find out, there are four steps that can help bring some clarity to your decision-making. They are:

  1. Look for personal flags that indicate coaching is right for you now
  2. Find out if you are actually ready to be coached
  3. Consider the benefits you seek from coaching to see if there is alignment
  4. Create some questions to ask a potential coach to find the right coach for you

Recently I created a great checklist for each of these four steps called "Choosing the right coach for you - clarity guide" that will give you a more detailed self-assessment tool for each step. But for a quick overview, here are two points for steps 1-2 and 3 to offer a little taste of what to expect from the full meal deal.

Step 1: Two indicators you need a coach

  • You feel you are going in circles and wasting time - this indicator is accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or frustration at not being able to get things done.
  • You feel lost and need a plan - this is accompanied by a vague feeling of lack of purpose. You may wonder if you should change careers, take a course, start a business - but you can't decide on any of them.

Step 2: Two signs you are ready for a coach

  • You have goals but just can't figure out how to reach them - a coach can help you see the forest for the trees and choose a path that works for you. If you feel that a guide would really help, you are ready for a coach.
  • Your progress has plateaued and you don't know why - basically we are either in growth or decline. So if you feel stuck, this is a sign that you need to figure out why or you will just keep going down (sorry).

Step 3: Two benefits you want in your life

  • You want to identify and dissolve blocks that have stopped you - this is one of the main benefits from working with a good coach. Seeing inside your patterns, blocks, and beliefs - then finding inroads to get you through to the other side, is the main reason many professionals work with a coach.
  • You want more joy, more money, more love, more knowledge, more, more, more...The great thing about a good coach is that you always get more of what you are longing to see in your life. Once you learn the right micro-habits and mindset, the good stuff just keeps coming :)

Speaking of more, now that you read this quick overview to help you decide if you need a coach, why not download your copy of my four-step "Choosing the right coach for you - clarity guide" now? It doesn't take long to check off and is a great tool to that question "Do I need a coach for this?"

About the author:

Marie Gervais, PhD., CEO Shift Management, believes that a happy workplace is a productive and profitable one. Her mission is to build workplace capacity characterized by real communications that acknowledge people for who they are. Using the S.W.E.L. model of safety, wellness, encouragement and learning, Dr. Gervais focuses on building confidence, intercultural communication, and people decoding skills. Through both online courses and coaching, she helps two types of managers build their people skills and see visible results:

Front and middle managers increase confidence and skill in her Supervisory Leadership Online and Psychological Workplace Safety Online Certificate courses.

Executive Managers benefit from her emotional regulation coaching to increase purpose, reduce stress, and manage with empathy. 


