Do You Need To Backup Microsoft 365?
Ahhh the million dollar question.
Well the answer is pretty simple... ...YES!
Anywhere you store data you need to consider what would happen to that data if said provider suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet. I know it could be argued that the likes of Microsoft will be around long after everyone else goes out of business but there is a reason the below statement is in their terms.
It's not often Microsoft will suggest you look outside of Microsoft for a product but the age old backup rule of 3-2-1 still applies; 3 copies of your data, on 2 different media and 1 off-site, and they are aware of this.
In the majority of cases its not a complete and utter melt down clients are concerned with but the more everyday errors. For example, the Microsoft Exchange retention policy changes like the wind and keeping on top of this is challenging to say the least. A Third-Party backup extends this retention period and stores all data in a user friendly environment allowing you to recall it should it be deleted in error or for any other reason.
"The safeguards built into 365 are in 365. That in itself is a problem, it's akin to keeping your spare car key in your glove box."
Often threats can also come from within, whether that be a disgruntled employee that wants to make a mess before they leave or someone who has done something malicious that is deleting data to cover their tracks. It can all be recovered.
We have seen a considerable increase in cybercrime since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ransomware, Malware and Viruses have all played their part in stripping businesses of much needed funds in these trying times. A backup can easily restore 365 data to an instance before an attack.
So how much is this going to cost me I hear you ask?
Surely a solution that can save my business potentially millions in funds and avoid irreversible reputational damage is going to cost me dearly...
... quite the opposite in fact, most solutions are priced per user for a nominal fee to ensure the solution aligns with the monthly model of current 365 licencing.
If you don't currently backup your Microsoft 365 accounts I would strongly consider it.