Do you need a BAC Calculation of advice of a Drink Drive Case?

Do you need a BAC Calculation of advice of a Drink Drive Case?

Now Christmas is almost upon us the idea of office parties and drinks in the pub are beginning to sound irresistible after the miserable wet days we have had over the last few weeks.? This can easily result in a little too much being consumed either knowingly or unknowingly.

If you have a client is charged with drink driving, whether it be from post driving drinks or laced drinks (through a kind friend providing a “top up”)

Or your client really does not know how they could have possibly blown over the limit when they are adamant in what they knowingly consumed is correct.

Then contact us today for help, advice and a no obligation estimate.

We can provide Section 9 Statements to be used in court.

In addition, we can conduct alcohol physiology tests to recreate drinking patterns, in cases the client has an unusual metabolic rate. (Formedecon is the only firm with fully calibrated Breath testing machines as used by the police forces throughout the UK and the tests are overseen by our forensic expert who is a fully trained Supervisor/Operator). Alcohol Physiology Testing | Formedecon LTD

Maybe your client has reached home and had a post driving glass or two before being asked to provide a sample, post driving consumption of alcohol is our speciality. Alcohol BAC Calculations | Formedecon LTD \ Drink Drive Experts

We also cover all aspects of failure to provide a sample whether due to breathing difficulties, anxiety, or needle phobias (in the case of blood samples) Failure to Provide a Sample | Formedecon LTD

Give us a call on 01388 811003 Email us [email protected] or check out our website for all of our other forensic case types in which we can assist.

LAA clients, Private and Civil cases all accepted.

#legalaid #expertwitness #dui #dwi #baccalculations



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