Do you need additional Data Access?
What with the plethora of handheld devices now being brought into the workplace, and the insatiable appetite for more and more bandwidth being consumed, is your telecoms infrastructure struggling at best or just simply letting you down?
STL Communications can help to improve your internet speeds, bandwidth and facilitate greater efficiency with your telephones, reducing any lag or jittering on the line.
VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is very much reliant upon a good Broadband speed and any interruption in this service will have a detrimental impact on telephone quality and service.
I will be posting updates over the coming days with handy tips on what you can do to make sure that your telephones run efficiently so watch this space. In the meantime should you need any further help, advice or additional information, then call me to discuss a more credible alternative solution for your telecoms.
Ian Tomlinson at STL Communications on 01993 777100