"Do You Love Potato Chips As Much As I Do?"
There are few snack foods, pleasure foods that I can't exercise USMC quality discipline to resist. Potato chips just happen to be the one snack food that I literally "can't eat just one" of. I actually embarrass myself and my wife when at parties, church functions or social events where big bowls of potato chips are on the table. When after repeated handfuls of chips I devour, it becomes obvious I have deprived other chip addicts their fair share. I can't help myself, it's not the salt, it doesn't matter is the chips are herbal flavored, spicy, barbecue, kettle fried or baked, and I certainly do not require any fattening chip-dips, I simply love potato chips!
Obviously, potato chips are not just my favorite fun food, proven by the fact that in the USA over 6 billion dollars in sales of potato chips occur each year. I only spend maybe $50.00 of that each year. However, it takes a lot of potatoes to generate six billion dollars’ worth of potatoes chips. Actually we consume 1.2 billion pounds of potatoes just for making the number one snack in America that generates in excess of $6 billion in sales. WOW, that's a lot of cash, and a lot of spuds!
My second favorite fun food actually generates more in sales, as over 2 billion pounds of chocolate beans are consumed in the USA per year. Hummm, perhaps a combination of chocolate and potato chip would be a hit? Maybe, I have had chocolate popcorn, and it is sensational. Chocolate, when organic, and dark, easily testifies and justifies its ancient Malian and Aztec nick name of "fruit off the god's". Dark chocolate, provided it is organic, has more health values than you can talk about in a week end. The fact that it generates so much happiness is reason enough to make it part of your daily heathy diet.
However, perhaps not as many documentable health benefits as organic chocolate, my humble potato chips may not rev up my or my wife's libido like organic dark chocolate, but the potato chip remains my favorite snack food.
The potato chip is actually an all American pleasure food, created originally by a Native American by the name of George Crum in 1853. George was the chef at a very elite upscale elegant restaurant at Saratoga Springs called the On Moon Lake Lodge, and the chip was discovered actually as an accident prank that back fired on George.
A customer complained that the French fries he was served were much too thick, and sent his dinner back to the kitchen telling the waiter to not bring him thick fries again. The waiter replaced the customer’s order, only to be rejected again by the irate customer. So George sliced a big plate of paper thin potatoes, fried them crisp, and sent them out to the irritated customer as a prank. The prank back fired, and the customer raved about them until many other customers also began to order what became famously known as the Sarasota Chip.
It was so successful that within a few years, in 1860 George parted ways with Moon Lake Lodge at Sarasota Springs and opened his own restaurant, where on every table there would be a big basket of crisp fried potato chips for each guest to enjoy. With some very well-known people like William Vanderbilt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry Hilton, Jay Gould and many other wealthy movers and shakers of the day as well as celebrity personalities as regulars to dine at George's fine dining where his Sarasota Chips graced every table, the addiction of the feeble potato chip grew.
News of George Crum's "can't eat just one" crisp fried potato's spread across the country quickly. In 1895 the first commercial potato chips were made available in grocery stores when William Tappendon of Cleveland Ohio opened an entirely new commercial food industry that became America's number one snack food.
Tappendon's chips displayed in bulk glass cases or barrels were then bagged for the customers to carry home. Thousands of people were carrying the grease soaked bags home to the delight of the family. Potato chips made it across the USA and into Canada stores very quickly, and soon competition grew from almost every state wanting a piece of this new trendy snack food business.
It wasn't until 1926 that Laura Scudders in Monterey Park California is accredited for developing the first wax paper bag that that would contain all the oils and keep the chips crisp and flavorful longer. The Scudder's potato chip company grew rapidly because of the creative thinking of Mrs. Scudders. This of course made distribution of the incredible fried potato chip spread even faster into main stream grocery stores, bowling allies, movie theaters, pool halls, bars and where ever people gathered.
Herman Lay the father of the monster of all potato chip manufacturing began his chip empire in Nashville Tennessee in 1932 and from the humble beginnings grew to be the first nationally branded potato chip that to this day dominates the convenience snack food industry. This snack food industry today provides livelihoods for over 65,000 people.
Not such a bad thing that this evolution of giving the world an addictive thin sliced fried potato would dominate the snack food industry. From the days of its humble beginnings in chef George Crum's kitchen when potato's, like all vegetables, were much healthier and not contaminated, this was a good thing. Being as potatoes back then were all natural, they were organic because the evil powers of DOW chemical, DuPont and Monsanto had not begun their assault on the planet with horrible toxins.
However, fast forward to modern day industrialization and chemical factory farming and perversion of the good old standby food, the potato. Commercially grown, factory farmed potatoes like all commercial foods grown with chemicals from genetically modified seeds are not natural any longer. Sadly, what we have as the conventional and standard potato used for making those potato chips is highly toxic, and about to get more toxic. Isn't it a shame that foods we depend on, commercially grown and processed are frequently associated as disease causing?
And equally toxic, or perhaps even more toxic are what these chips are fried in, and what is put on them after they leave the fry vats or baking ovens. With the modern potato chips are all the additive chemicals, artificial flavors, MSG, addictive sugars, preservatives and the horrible toxic oils they are fried in, such as Monsanto's canola oil, cotton oil, peanut oil, soy oil or corn oil, each of them that are horribly toxic, and GMO just like the modern commercial potato. So, toxic potatoes fried in toxic oils and then flavored with toxic additives, all for what purpose? Obviously, the 'nutritious can't eat just one chip' that the Native American chef created in his kitchen as a prank, is not the chip we want to be addicted to today. A horrible satanic proportion prank is being fed to the world population. I call it 'Frankenstein food'.
There are so many people today up in arms on the GMO issues, and the battle between Monsanto allied with the commercial food producers, phamicuitical companies and factory farmers is constantly outspending the advocates and opponents to genetically modified foods to defeat any efforts to get the truth in labeling laws uniformly passed in the USA, and most of the world where Monsanto has a dominating presence. Like the Philippines where more heirloom organic crops have been changed to GMO crops, such as yams, corn and rice.
So, what are GMO crops? To understand the basics of genetic modification we first must understand what organic is. To qualify as an all-natural organic whole food that food would have to be grown in an all-natural nutrient rich growing medium, soil that is rich in nutrients as well as dissolved oxygen and all the carbon elements the Creator intended to be in biologically living soil. Something all natural, organic, would be as nature intended it to be, or as God the Creator of all life originally engineered it to be. It does not require a PhD, or any degree in any field of science to recognize that natural organic whole foods are going to be most beneficial and bioavailable to the body systems than an isolate of a nutrient removed from the matrix of the entire whole food, any altered or processed variation of that whole food nutrient. I call it merely critical thinking, and critical thinking is nothing more than application of applied common sense and reasoning.
Now, if genetically modified or GMO involves removing genetic material from one organism and transferring it to the genetic code of a completely different species or of another of the same species, then wouldn't logic and reason say we are manipulating nature and creating something not of nature, and not of God? In food agriculture this is done for many reported reasons such as to increase the crops resistance to insects, viruses, diseases, and for better tolerance of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. As an example, to increase resistance to insects, the toxin producing gene from bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is inserted into the genetic code of the corn, soy, tomato or potato or whatever plant being modified, and according to the FDA this known toxin is then safe for human consumption. However, this scientific logic does not make a lick of sense to anyone that is exercising just a microgram of common sense.
Now, this article is not about getting into the pro-and-cons of GMO corn or canola or any other crop intended for human and animal consumption, this article is about the incredible editable potato and the irresistible chips we get from the humble potato. For certain I do not want to eat anything genetically modified, not corn, rice, apples or salmon.
My personal opinion is simply that; If God didn't make it, then it obviously should not be part of my diet. It's obvious the keepers of our trust, the tax payer funded FDA as well as the USDA when they tell us that the genetically altered potatoes are by their standards deemed to be safe, but if no studies can support their opinion, then obviously just as with all the genetically modified artificial sweeteners that they deemed safe, are associated with so much cancer and neurological disease, then there should be reason to pause, take a breather, and think about the logic and honesty in what they are echoing from the Monsanto folks.
Our trusted FDA, by the way staffed by top former Monsanto scientists and lawyers appointed by Obama, completed its short study of "documentations" provided by Monsanto and it's sinister sister J.R. Simplot on GMO potato varieties collectively known by the trade name "Innate", and according to their March 2015 FDA press release the potato's pass with flying colors as safe for human consumption. As typical of studies submitted to the FDA that they base their findings on, none of the research submitted to them by Simplot to get approval have been made public. So actually no outside scientific groups can evaluate anything the FDA is basing their findings on, because of this habitual habit of our government agencies maintaining secrecy of the bio-tech weaved foods, and medicines being forced on consumers; is not being very transparent, is it?.
As with all GMO grown foods the testing for consumer safety includes toxicity, allergic reactions potentials, stability of the inserted foreign genes, nutritional values, and unintended side effects. So, based on no human or animal studies, and certainly nothing long term being as this all was just hatched in a few short months, the Ranger Russet, Russet Burbank and Atlantic potato's produced by the J.R. Simplot Company are ready to feed to all the potato lovers of the world. These varieties also been modified to produce potato's that don't get black spots and bruises by altering and lowering the natural occurring enzymes in the potato. I don't know why, but it seems to me that the enzymes are critical components of any food, but I can understand that getting rid of the natural occurring enzymes might increase shelf life of the potato, therefore increasing profits.
These longer lasting, less likely to bruise potatoes about to hit your grocery store produce departments, fast food chains, restaurants, school cafeterias and obviously going to be in your processed foods as well as your potato chip bags. And you can be certain, they will not come with any information on packaging that they are not natural potatoes.
To the shock of the world, the largest fast food francize McDonalds' did come out publicly and say they would not add the newest variety of Frankenstein potatoes to their menu. The growing number of health conscious Americans, and globally the food safety advocates are expressing great concern regarding these new GMO potato varieties that consumers will be eating unaware, no knowing that they are having their genes spliced with strange lab produced genes from other species.
I am more than likely the most outspoken critic of the human genes harvested from aborted human babies that are used in so many of the GMO crops, as well as all vaccines injected into babies as well as elderly people. No one seems to want to talk about this forced cannibalistic practice, although I think it should be front page news in every city and small town newspaper every day. And these new Frankenstein potatoes are a brand new class of genetic modification known as RNA interference, and according to the Center for Food Safety, not a tax payer funded department of the government, but an industry and consumer watchdog organization, in a press release statement released also in March 2015, Andrew Kimbrell, the center’s director, said: "The consequences of this new form of genetic engineering are not yet well understood and said at the very least, very risky".
The new GMO potato just approved and headed to dinner tables does not mean you have not been eating GMO potato chips for a very long time. Even if you had a certified organic potato, and you fried it in a GMO oil, then what you are eating is no longer organic, it has been cross contaminated and now is a GMO food.
Consider Lay's potato chips for example. I use to buy the huge family size bag of Lay's potato chips and would devour the entire bag, generally by myself, in a matter of a few days. Then I discovered while doing some research that Lay's chips, Frito's, Dorito's and many other brand name favorite snack foods contained GMO ingredients such as Monsanto's oil from rapeseed, marketed as Canola oil, or oil from lecithin from GMO soya, cotton seed oil, peanut oil, corn oil all of which are GMO. Glutamate processed with GM micro-organisms, citric acid also produced with GM micro-organisms as well as GMO MSG for that addictive "can't eat just one" sensation.
Remember when Pringles fist came into the market place? This genius of a patented artificial patented food is the original property of the Procter & Gamble $80 billion a year empire. Procter & Gamble like Kellogg's had its humble beginnings by visionaries, and like Kellogg's originally offered the world beneficial products. However, to reach $80 billion a year in sales natural went by the wayside as chemistry became the company’s focus. They actually take great pride in their philosophy that food is about chemistry and science. Strange, nowhere in the bible can I find anything to validate that philosophy. Pringles, just one of thousands of Procter & Gamble branded products was a $1.5 billion per year income earner for them until they recently sold the brand to Diamond Foods for $2.35 billion plus some stock options. As global conglomerates do, they sell off pieces of themselves to get a piece of other corporations that eventually gives them far more wealth, power and control over global consumption. Perhaps this is what is referred to as "the great merchants of the world" that would be sadly surprised with what is awaiting them on the return of Christ?
For over fifty years of experimenting with lab produced foods and synthetic additives, this company is obviously a giant amongst giants of successful brain washing marketing to convince people to buy and consume non-natural foods, cosmetics, oral hygiene products, feminine hygiene products, infant formulas, shampoos, soaps, laundry detergents, tampons, sanitary napkins and even baby diapers. It was Procter & Gamble that produced most of the oils used in the commercial potatoes chip industry.
Perhaps you were not yet a passenger on planet earth when Pringles made its huge introduction to the snack food world. Uniform stackable chips in a can! The inventor so loved the can, he said he wanted to be cremated when he died, and his ashes stored in a Pringles can. They have not lost their popularity that is for certain. To illustrate how negligent people are at reading labels, the vast majority of Pringle lovers actually think that Pringles are a processed potato chip in a can conveniently shaped to stack for a snack.
Pringles are not only not potato chips, they are not even made with real potatoes. What they are is a marketing genius of a combination of GMO ingredients that have some very bad potential side effects for those that indulge, especially in the flavored varieties. The Pringles Company (P&G) even admits that; "In fact, Pringles are technically not even potato chips." They actually made this bold revelation to avoid taxes typically placed on potato chip makers, although it did reveal how truthful the fact is that Pringles do not have enough potato's to qualify as a potatoes chip, therefore the Pringle Company saves millions of dollars a year by not having to pay "potato chip taxes".
What is this potato chip tax? Something similar to a tobacco tax? Perhaps because this is a potentially very toxic snack food that could have some serious potential health risk, it should have its own "Pringles tax imposed" to go into a fund so when the public finds out how toxic this assembly line GMO laden snack food and begins to sue the company for health issues accelerated, or caused by the Pringles: they could be paid off via class action law suits like the tobacco company pays off victims of cancer that can be linked to the chemicals of processed tobacco products? A key point to remember, this applies to drugs, cosmetics, hygiene products and anything intended for eating or drinking; anything that has a patent on it, to qualify as patentable, the product must be altered from its natural original configurations that it can in no way be obtained from nature or have any of the benefits as in its original natural configuration.
When I discovered that Lay's potato chips, and all Lay's snack foods were GMO that contained aborted human fetus DNA, RNA and cellular debris, I was heartbroken. My favorite snack eliminated from my diet because I refuse to be part of the gross experiment of forced cannibalism on the human race. That's when I started doing my research, and discovered that many nationally branded snack foods, as well as processed and packaged foods like cereals and soups are GMO with human gene slicing and splicing technologies that the public does not know about. Ritz cracker are number one, Lay's is number two, good old Orville Redenbacher popcorn is right behind Frito's, wheat thins follow the Orville popcorn, Tostitos, Cheetos (I ate hundreds of bags of the spicy ones) and Triscuit are all on the list as well.
Now that I know, I only eat homemade snack foods, like my favorite potato chip, made at home, fried (or baked) in organic virgin coconut oil and salted with Himalayan or Celtic sea salt with organic non-GMO potatoes. When I do buy potato chips I buy only chips that are clearly labeled certified organic and non-GMO ingredients. Fortunately because of consumer awareness, more and more potato chip companies are coming on board to meet the growing demand for organic chips, and other snack foods. It's kind of like in the pioneer days when George Crum first discovered the amazing fried potato chip over 100 years ago!
I hope you will make the responsible free choice and do the right thing now that you have read this, and you are aware of the issues surrounding being a potato chip junkie, and boycott all manufactured brands of foods that are not clearly labeled and marked as being organic and GMO-free.
The next time you see someone eating a bag of Lay's potato chips, or a bag of Doritos, I hope you will think of this bazaar gross topic of forced passive cannibalism you have read here today. And if that person munching on those chips is washing them down with a Pepsi or Coke branded soda pop, then they are getting a double whammy, as all Coke and Pepsi branded products are GMO and have that secret flavoring of human genes and DNA harvested from aborted human babies.
If you have concerns about, and need more information about GMO foods and snacks, please go see the Food Babe, she knows an incredible amount about these toxic matters, and is a wealth of good survival type information. You can even find awesome recipes on her site.https://foodbabe.com/2012/09/28/do-your-favorite-snack-brands-contain-gmos/ and I assure you will get a wealth of information.
Be blessed, and if you have a craving for potato chips, I suggest you make some homemade ones, or at least buy only organic and non-GMO brands. It should clearly be right on the bag, "Certified Organic" and "Non-GMO".
In closing, knowing that you, like me and everyone else on this planet today are exposed to all sorts of toxic stressors, food, water, air, EMF and ELF smog, phamicuitical drugs, I would encourage each person to investigate how our simple Quantum 3-6-9 Tesla Technology Scalar enhanced "Wellness Triangle" can benefit you, your loved ones and your pets. We all need a little help, proven by the fact that still 70% of American's suffer from at least one chronic disease that is directly connected to our life style habits, intentional and unintentional exposures and the stresses of living in the early 21st. century.
Administrative Assistant
9 年Do I love potato chips as much as you do? Well… I don’t think I can look at the potato chip in the same way again. People must be educated about the physical and mental health hazards of all the chemicals and artificial ingredients in foods. Thanks for the very informative article. Blessings, Mar
Coaching, Training für Personen und Gruppen zu pers?nlichen Themen, Lebenschancen und Krisen (Freiberuflich)
9 年only biological ones...there is a small difference that makes it 4 me
The Learning Difficulty Expert - helping bright sensitive kids rediscover a love of learning, Speaker
9 年Thanks for such a thoughtful and comprehensive article – and yes it is amazing how hard jot is to resist those chips and because of the reasons you list, I choose to avoid them. But maybe we could start making them at home.
Owner di Inurzengkynews
9 年Best
Chief, Natural Health Advisory Board at Bajai Kalinga @ Las Vegas
9 年Thanks every one for your "likes", favorable comments and the private notes asking if you can share this. But of course, isn't that how we educate? I appreciate you asking, but I figure that anything I publically post is for public use. God bless, keep the smiles and love visible, and pass the chips....