Do you live where you work or work where you live?
This question has been one I've frequently considered as I navigate life, looking to find balance between a successful career and my own personal health and happiness. Many of us graduate from college looking for a great salary and promise of the coolest job on the planet. We scatter far and wide chasing after financial wealth and professional success. As we work towards that perfect career and financial freedom, we often lose sight of the inherent benefits of location and lifestyle that can unquestionably enhance our quality of life.
When you looked for your last job did you search for job title or salary as the primary focal point? Or, did you first search for a geographical location you hoped to live? During my career in HR, I find most people look primarly for the title and salary, especially early in ones career. As experience grows, job location becomes easier to obtain. Other question's to consider when deciding where to work are; What kind of lifestyle am I aiming for? Where do I find the greatest amount of happiness? Am I looking for a place to call 'home'? Do I prefer big cities with an abundance of culture, food, entertainment, people, and things to do? Or, would I rather a quite beach or country cabin? Do I want a warm climate all year around, or would I prefer all four seasons? Everyone is different. People are drawn to different places based on their personalities, family needs, lifestyle choices, friends and health.
I'm reminded of the parable of the Mexican Fisherman and the Banker. In this story, a busy American investment banker took a needed vacation to a quiet Mexican village. While visiting, the banker met a local fisherman who lived with his family. The fisherman had a simple life which met the needs of his family. The banker asked what the fisherman did with his time. The fisherman responded, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos: I have a full and busy life, se?or." Surprised at the simplicity of the fisherman's daily routine the banker encouraged the fisherman to grow his successful fishing abilities into large business enterprise, eventually setting up processing and distribution facilities, purchasing a fleet of boats and moving to the big city to run his business. The fisherman asked how long it would take to build such an empire. The banker said it would take 15-20 years, at which point he could sell his business for millions. The fisherman then asked the banker what he would do after he sold his business. The banker replied, "Then you would retire. You could move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
I share this story to illustrate how we determine our priorities in life. For the investment banker, his motivation in life was to build wealth so later in life he could enjoy a quiet and relaxing lifestyle. The fisherman was happy to maintain a simple life doing the things he enjoyed in the present, without the need to build a large or complex operation. Nothing is particularly wrong with either career choice. The important take away is to identify where you want to be through lifes journey and what brings you the most happiness.
I learned in my business marketing class 20 years ago that it's all about location, location, location. I couldn't agree more! I've also heard the inspired cousel of 'lifting where you stand'. Find a place where you can have success in LIFE, then don't be afraid to do the work required to build yourself and those around you.
For many, placing a greater emphasis on where we live allows us to enjoy the finer things in life. Find a place you want to be, then work towards opportunities to earn a comfortable living. I've learned great employers exist in places you might not expect. In today's global economy, as long as you have an internet connection you can login to work from just about anywhere in the world. Choose a career path that will help you maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle. Work where you live. You will be much happier! And if you are happy, chances are you are making your employer happy as well.
#WorkLifeBalance #QualityOfLife #Careers #JobSeekers #Employment