Do you live according to "from" or "to"?

Do you live according to "from" or "to"?

. Do you live according to "from" or "to"?

Living according to "of" is:

- when you worry about what people will think "of" you;
- when you worry about what people will say "about" you;
- when you worry about what people will think "of" you.

 Living in function "for" is:

- when someone needs a word of encouragement, you will be ready "to" encourage that person;
- when someone is crying, you are ready "to" lend your shoulder that will serve as a consolation:
- when someone needs help, you will be there "to" help;
- when someone falls, you extend your hand "to" be able to lift them;


Anyway, living according to "of" is living a slave to people, and living according to "for", is living free to be able to fulfill God's purposes in your life.

Author: Jether HernandesN        



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