Do you limit yourself?
Ken Ohlwiler
At Cruise2next LLC, we strive to provide our customers with the best travel experiences possible. Our mission is to make travel easy, affordable, and enjoyable for everyone.
Do not create boundaries for yourself - encourage your creative mind to find new solutions to current problems and to open new paths of interest in your life. Your potential in life is limited only by your own thoughts. I had always thought that I was going to retire from Neiman Marcus. That is as far as my vision took me. It was when I was laid-off that I realized now was a chance to advance Ken to Ken 2.0.
I had to release the fixed preconceived ideas that I had, so my mind could soar! This is much easier saying than doing. I took about 3 months off before finding what I really wanted to do in the new chapter of my life. I am doing something that I always said I would not do, work on commission. I have to say it is wonderful and very freeing!
I was struggling with self-confidence at the corporate level as I really did not feel that I fit into the mold. I stopped defining myself by material things, like clothing, cars, homes, etc. Do you know how freeing it is to shop at The Gap for me? Yes I got a discount at Neiman's but did I need to dress the part? Let your goals of the future define you - do not put your happiness in the hands of people or objects. They will ultimately disappoint you. For the future, draw strength from your inner person. That is where you will be able to unleash the unlimited power of your character.
This has helped me deal with being laid-off from the retail world. I hope this helps you!