Do you like trees?
One tree = around 8000 sheets of paper
To make a weekly magazine comprising around 40 sheets of paper uses a quarter of a tree in a year.
I don’t read my printed copy of the Law Society Gazette (which incidentally is around 40 pages and delivered to lawyers whether they ask for it or not) so have emailed them to cancel it – email [email protected] with your SRA number (which you can find if you google your full name and ‘SRA number”...
If three other people reading this do the same, we save a tree in a year! (…and of course we can still read all of those great letters, stories and ads online). If 39 people (+ me) do this, we save 10 trees.
It won’t save the planet. But it might save a tree.
(ps I’m not picking on the Gazette – cancelling other magazines and circulars you is also encouraged)