Do You Lack Energy? Are You Tired Of Being Tired?? Don’t Despair - it doesn’t have to be that way!!!
Ian Worthington
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I really believe there are a lot of people out there who can relate to this feeling!
For some it is a mild inconvenience, whilst for others it really is shaping their life in respects to what they believe they can and can’t do!
It can be the difference between a productive day and a none productive day.....
It can see you enjoying your day or not enjoying your day.....
It can see you happy or stressed.....
Tiredness is a really issue and needs addressing. And we’re not talking about the tiredness after a crazy party or late night out at the pub!
We are also not talking about the tiredness resulting from a known illness or disease!
We are talking about the daily tiredness and lack of energy much of the population feels on a daily basis. If this is you I want to help you beat it!!!!!
And before I start I might add this effected me a number of years ago! And whilst I wouldn’t proclaim to now never getting tired and to having an everlasting supply of energy, those who see me each morning at 5am or watch my 6am workout videos will vouch I’m rarely standing still or resting!!!
Below I will run through a number of ways you can reduce your tiredness and increase your energy!
Some I have implemented personally, others l have only researched. Everyone is different so experiment with these tips and methods until you find what works for you:
1. CHANGE YOUR DIET: What you eat is your fuel, thus ‘rubbish in equals rubbish out’! Get clear on your priorities with food as fuel and nutrition. Many processed, quickly produced, junk foods make us lethargic, bloated and drained. However, whole healthy fresh foods such as fruit and vegetables will often have the exact opposite effect!
2. REDUCE, OR IDEALLY REMOVE, COFFEE: “Ian, are you mad?? Is what I’m envisaging you saying right now! For many coffee (or caffeine) is what has gotten them through the day! Well, I’ve never drunk tea or coffee but my research has found that when people come off caffeine they have a much more balanced and sustainable energy compared to the peaks and troughs caffeine causes! And if you really can’t ditch the coffee, be sure you don’t drink or consume any caffeine within 8 hours of bed time!!
3. STOP DRINKING SO MUCH BOOZE: Alcohol has been proven to consume physical and mental energy. Binge drinking, in particular, diverts a ton of our body's energy to recovery.
4. EXERCISE: As strange as some may find this, doing regular exercise will give you more energy, not less.
5. WATER: Drink plenty of it. It is key to an efficient body on so many levels. When you are well hydrated you will feel much more energetic than if you are in the various stages of dehydration!
6. MEDITATION: Are minds and thoughts can give us energy, or alternatively they can drain it. A healthy and controlled mindset is as important as a healthy body when it comes to making good use of our energy.
7. CUT BACK ON TV, PHONES AND COMPUTERS PRIOR TO BED: Cut out TV and all “screen time" at least one hour before bed to prepare your mind for ‘sleep’ mode!
8. GET OUTSIDE: Try to get outside every day, even if only for 30 minutes. Being in nature and the fresh air is a great way to recharge the batteries!
9. LIVE A GRATEFUL AND GIVING LIFE: I’m not going all ‘divine’ on you, but there certainly are natural laws to life that can’t be truly explained. By living a life of gratitude, integrity and kindness you will find yourself motivated and energised. Helping others is a crazy thing, the energy you expel in doing so is returned with additional interest!
10. AVOID ENERGY SAPPING PEOPLE: Review who you spend time with. Do these people regularly energise or drain you!? Reduce the time spent with "energy vampires" (you know who they are - don’t you!?) and spend more time with people who energise, inspire and make you feel good!
11. GET THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF SLEEP: The ideal amount of sleep is often stated as between 7 and 9 hours. However, we are all different and unique. To work out how many hours you need try sleeping a few days in a row without your alarm clock and see what time you naturally wake up. Ideally go to bed as close to 10pm as possible to!
12. SUPPLEMENTS: Some peoples diets mean they are deficient or lacking in certain areas - particularly the micronutrient vitamins and minerals. Some people find that a vitamin tablet or supplement top up is the best way to keep them at their peak. However, I’d always aim to get all your requirements from a balanced whole food diet where possible.
13. DEVELOP AN ENERGISING MORNING ROUTINE: Having some sort of morning routine for yourself can be incredibly powerful. Whether it be exercise, meditation, writing, reading, visualizing or a combination of these, there's something about prioritizing my growth that sets the tone for my entire day, even if it's only for a few minutes.
14. SEE YOUR DOCTOR: If after trying to above you are still finding you are extremely tired and lacking of energy on a daily basis I would recommend you see your doctor. Tiredness and lack of energy usually links to lifestyle, but in rare instances it can be the result of an illness or disease.
As usual, any questions fire them over.
Ian David Worthington | Creator, Owner and Coach at
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