Do you know your value?
Terry Edwards
I Help Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make more placements, for the right fee, with less work and fewer headaches
I heard a great quote a while back that went something like this...
"If you're wondering why my competitors are cheaper than I am then you should know it's because we both understand the value of our services."
... Magic!
There's a big fat lesson there about how you're positioned as a Recruitment/Staffing or Search Firm in the market.
It reminds me of my local locksmith!
... A few years ago, I was travelling back from a weekend away with my eldest Son, Drew...
It's cold, its wet, it's dark, and after a 2-hour drive home I realise I've forgotten my house keys!..
No one else is home, so it's either a 4 hour round trip in my car... Or I could call a locksmith to pick the lock and let me in...
I knew it would be a quick job... It would take a maximum of 15 minutes for anyone with the right tools to open the door. So we opted for calling the locksmith...
He was at my house within 10 minutes... Took one look at the lock, took out his tools and then quoted me the price....
"That will be £160 please mate." He said...
"£160! I'm not paying £160 it's only going to take you 15 minutes!"
(£160 is the equivalent to about $200 if you're in the states and far more than I was willing to pay for a 10 minute job... I could have probably done it myself it I had the tools!)
"Please yourself then!" he said and began packing his tools back into his toolbox...."
I don't know about you.... But after a long drive, I'm tired, I'm hungry, and the last thing I want to be doing is ringing around trying to find a lower price.... I want to get into my warm house, and I want to get in as soon as possible! So.... I agreed to pay his fees and within another 10 minutes the door was open...
You see, not only was he charging premium prices... But he was also prepared to walk away if I hadn't been willing to pay it!
And you should be applying the same rules in your Recruitment or Search Firm too...
Take this story as proof that if the problem is big enough your potential clients will be willing to pay a premium to fix it...
And speaking of clients... If you want to attract more of them into your business, you should click the link below and join the 'Recruitment Marketing Academy' before it closes to all new members later this month.
Join the Recruitment Marketing Academy here.
Right now you can join for free... But on Wednesday 30th November enrolment closes and you'll have missed your chance.
Speak to you soon,
Until then...
Take care, take action and be relentless....
Terry Edwards