Do you know your own hierarchy of needs?
spoiler alert: most of us don't.
We've all probably heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
I can barely spell hierarcky. thank goodness for spell check.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is probably the MOST influential model explaining the psychology of human motivation.
Here's my favorite graphic I've found on it:
The basic premise is that we need to take care of the needs at the bottom of the pyramid before we can work our way up to the top.
Well.... in my observation, and many times even in my own life... we try to shortcut the model.
Especially in our careers.
We get "burned out". We get stressed. We might make some poor financial decisions and have to move back in with our parents. (yep, i did that. twice.). Food prices increase. Rent increases. tax increases.
We turn to bad habits to numb out this pain. We end up destroying our foundation by burning up our finances, time, and health on temporary hits of happy. We may go on social media to seek "status" and "recognition". We may even try to fake it till we make it. This is where imposter syndrome may be rooted.
If this sounds familiar, I promise you are not alone. And if you have a team of people working for you, chances are they are somewhere in the whirlwind of figuring out or screwing up their own hierarchy of needs.
This summer, I was hit with a hard dose of reality when it came to my health. I didn't really have the healthiest habits... and several weeks in Intensive Care for my heart and brain changed my perspectives real quick.
Now, over the last 50 years, Maslow's hierarchy of needs continues to evolve and now there are even more levels and much more research into human motivation. Generally speaking, core concepts in the above model are still widely accepted as Truth.
If we dive a bit deeper.... the levels can be broken out like this:
Maybe you can start to see where I am going here? I mean.... this is a newsletter about growth and learning in the workplace. And last week I wrote a great article of "Where do I even Start?? ".
But, my basic assumption of that article was that the reader is in a place where they are fully ready and motivated to grow.
And maybe many of my subscribers are fully ready and motivated.
Although, I truly believe all of us can work a bit more on strengthening the foundation of our own hierarchy of needs.
There is a bit of economic uncertainty. Markets are changing. What was considered safe is not so safe anymore. Mental health is declining.
With that context, let's jump into the lesson of the day.
Find the Metric that truly matters most to you in this moment.
If you've been a subscriber, you've likely seen my FASST Career Growth Model. The first step in this model is finding the right metrics that motivate you to grow professionally (and personally). Today we are going to dive into the metrics that relate to each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
As we think about these metrics... go through each one and rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10.... with 1 being the low side and 10 being the high side. As with all assessments, this isn't meant to pass or fail. It just is meant to help you understand where you may be able to grow.
Level 1: Physiological Metrics
All of these Level 1 Physiological Metrics can be directly correlated to increased fulfillment, happiness and career growth. But sometimes, we skip right over these. I won't go into detail into each metric today... today's lesson is more to create awareness of what metrics would truly motivate you to build the habit of growth into your (and/or your teams) life.
Level 2: Safety Metrics
These Level 2 Safety Metrics start to hit home for many people. Maybe they are in an unsafe or toxic work environment. Maybe they are deep in debt. Maybe they are scared they are going to lose there job. Or maybe there is an incredible amount of stress in their current role. Each one of these can be extremely motivating if we know there is a path for us to improve and prosper.
Level 3: Love and Belonging Metrics
These Level 3 Love and Belonging Metrics can be incredibly motivating. Keep in mind, if some of the Level 1 and Level 2 foundational metrics are falling apart, you may find more motivation in using those as your fire for growth.
Level 4: Esteem Metrics
These level 4 Esteem Metrics can really light your fire and inspire growth. Think about which ones motivate you... and which ones motivate your peers and teams.
Level 5: Self-Actualization Metrics
These level 5 Self-Actualization Metrics are the hardest to achieve although are the most rewarding in my opinion. And that's what this newsletter is all about.... to inspire growth so we can all rise together and reach our level 5 goals/metrics! Remember... we can't jump right to these though if the previous levels need some work. Find the metrics that light your fire right now.... some metrics might be better suited for you 6-12 months down the road.
Action Time:
Thank you for taking a few moments to read through today's article. This particular one hits the emotional chord for me. As much as I want people to grow, we as leaders truly do need to understand each individuals situation and meet them where they are. And this may be just the spark that inspires someone to take the next step in their journey! I appreciate you, and promise to continue to provide fresh, actionable content week after week!
Your Friend,
Vice President of Talent Development, Trades Holding LLC || Talent Development Enthusiast
2 个月A great explanation about how a failing foundation makes the house fall down. Love it. I know we both have seen how the lack of confidence impacts growth for our professional and personal lives every day. This makes me realize there are some some of the other underlying issues that creates this result.