Do You Know Your Numbers?
Pete O'Keeffe
Ensuring Construction Owners, make even more ??????, Leadership sales specialist ensuring teams exceed sales targets, ?????? 0n-line business programs, ?????? I'm a passionate Kiwi ???????? who loves rugby.????
Numbers - one of the only written instruments that give you a right or wrong answer. There's no grey. You're either right or you're wrong.
So many business owners, don't even know if their numbers could be grey, let alone right or wrong. I often wonder why this is the case, when knowing your numbers in business is fundamental to making decisions to guide the business. If you don't know your numbers how can you make informed decisions for the health of the business?
And we're 2 days away from an election where all sorts of numbers have been put out by politicians. Most are manifestly untrue, in a bid to woo those of us who are ill-informed. As I've suggested before, why is it that a ruling party will make all sorts of promises at an election when they have had 4 years to have achieved those goals they are now telling us they'll implement. It makes no sense.
Yet here we are, - politicians promise, we believe them, we vote for them, then they renege on the promises they made, and we wonder what happened.
In Matthew Syed's excellent article he calls upon Sir Keir Starmer to be bold, like no politician has recently. He talks about a tax system based on land value, which would stop money being squirrelled away in tax havens, which means more money for councils, roading, garbage collection - those things that matter to us most. This is about Knowing the Numbers that will help build the economy.
What about big projects - the ones that get mismanaged by some officials, who then move on to another project, without any accountability from mismanaging the previous project - yet they still receive a big payout. I'm looking at the Post Office or the HS2 project. The numbers are known before any project is started, yet spending increases exponentially because no-one is held to account for the numbers that were initially presented. The numbers represent someone else's problem, and as such a cost blow-out is no big deal, because the official knows it won't affect them.
Knowing Your Numbers. It's important in big projects and even more important in small business. You may not have the influence over tax loopholes or big projects, but you do have influence over the numbers in your business that make it work or otherwise.
If you don't know your numbers, you're missing a trick.
If you want to know your numbers - talk with me, and let me show you my R.G.E. process (Revenue Growth Excelerator) that will enlighten you about your business, and I guarantee within 6 months you'll be making more money than you ever have.
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8 个月Understanding the numbers behind your business is crucial for its success. It's true - numbers don't lie; they provide a clear path for informed decisions. Let's equip ourselves with the knowledge of our figures, both in business and beyond, to navigate towards growth and prosperity. ????