Do You Know Your Job?
Dave Block
Jewish Believer in Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah / Volunteer With Chosen People Ministries
I lost my job. It was an emotionally wrenching experience as I went through a consistent pattern of emotional stages. These included: denial, disbelief, outward anger, inner self-criticism, withdrawal, reflection and finally acceptance.
But once I experienced the end of this cycle, I discovered something amazing.
I was FREE!
I felt that I had been given an opportunity, a fresh start to explore a new field that I’ve always wanted to try but never had the time to, or to start a business, or go back to school.
What I decided to do first is reinvent myself by utilizing my special skills, knowledge and passion. This put me in a better space to allow me to: regain control and develop a routine, find a supportive network, help others along the way, use positive affirmations, make time to do something I love, exercise more often, and be ready for what lies ahead.
Sure, it feels scary to not have consistent income coming in to take care of basic living expenses. But at the time, when you’re constantly thinking, worrying, or analyzing, you aren’t in the moment. You are missing the goodness that lives around you instead of putting yourself in a place of suffering and a victim of circumstance.
Don’t you realize that life could be over for any of us at anytime!
So my advice while you continue to use your time to search for work or discover your life’s calling, is to live each day that we are given as a GIFT. A gift we must cherish and be grateful that we have another day to experience the beauty that is LIFE.
Thus, by expressing gratitude for what you have, you become a magnet attracting more things to be grateful for.
Think of gratitude like a flashlight. It lights up what is already there. You don’t necessarily have anything more or different, but suddenly you can actually see what it is. And because you can see, you no longer take it for granted.
Bill Belichick, head football coach of the New England Patriots, teaches a philosophy of “Do Your Job!” which means being prepared, working hard, paying attention to the details and putting the team first. I not only agree totally with him but would add to not only do your job, but know that your happy doing your job.
Remind yourself why you are here, why you are doing this job, and what you are getting out of it. Let us understand that all of us were created for a reason, a purpose for our existence. It’s not that you are a cleaner, or a garbage collector, or whatever you decide to do while you work on your dreams. It’s what you do during the journey, like being a planner, an achiever, and being courageous enough to do what has to be done to make sure your dreams happen.
I believe it is our obligation as human beings to share the goodness and passion in our hearts once we ourselves have discovered them. By doing so, more and more will do the same. WE can inspire each other to reach further than we thought possible. WE can inspire each other to become more confident, loving, caring people with stronger desires to serve others who have yet to discover their greatness.
Although I am currently still seeking employment to make ends meet, I am blessed to have discovered my higher purpose as “The Gratitude Guy”. My job as a social entrepreneur and a visionary is to continue my love affair with the new and unknown. I want to create opportunities for humans to grow and discover their highest self. For I see a new world, a changed world, a more grateful world. A world where humans are allowing themselves to express great love toward one another. A world that was intended for us by our creator.
So, do you know your job?
Here are a few questions to help you ponder this:
- What inspires your soul and spirit?
- What makes you feel wonderful?
- What fulfills you?
- What makes life seem blessed and extraordinary?
- What justifies itself by making you excited to start the day?
- What makes your community and the world better?
- What recognizes and develops your potential?
- What challenges you to grow, evolve and succeed?
- What turns you into who you were meant to be?
Use your time right NOW to discover your passion, your gift, and share it with others. By doing so, you are setting up yourself for success especially when you add our greatest design within each one of us – the power of love.
With this empowering, unconditional feeling of LOVE, the magic of the universe starts to magnify in your favor, and the beauty of life is revealed to you.
If we only allowed ourselves to SEE this gift for what it is, our lives would be so much richer.
Helping others!
9 年Inspiring!